Friday, February 24, 2023
1950 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON, M5P 3K9
(416) 789-3291
[email protected]
Emergency Funeral Contact
Cell: 416-565-7561
Yihi l’ratzon milfanecha…
The Tefillat Ha’Derech, the prayer of the road, is an ancient ritual that Jewish travellers have recited for generations upon leaving their homes. It invokes God to protect us and guard us as we leave the normal world of our every day and step into the unknown. Travel, to our ancestors, was one of the most dangerous and challenging things that one could do. To venture onto the sea, to depart civilization and head out into the wild places of the world, was to take your life into your own hands. It was an act of faith that you would return to those you loved, to those who loved you. It was not only a moment worthy of blessing but a time that required the intervention of the divine.
Today, travel is exciting and joyous! It is an opportunity to expand your horizons and experience God’s creation. To behold the natural wonders of the world and the exciting diversity of humankind. To quote the author, chef, and famed world traveller Anthony Bourdain z’l, “Travel changes you. As you move through this life and this world you change things slightly, you leave marks behind, however small. And in return, life- and travel- leaves marks on you.”
In just a few days Lisa Isen Baumal and I will be stepping onto an airplane with some of our most amazing Holy Blossom teenagers and travelling to Israel! And for me, for the first time in a very long time, I feel that classic sense of nervousness, as if I were departing for a new place. This will be a new style of trip for me. I’m used to shepherding young couples who are unengaged, helping them ‘reattach themselves’ to Judaism. The teens who are coming with me are some of the most engaged Jews, of any age, I know!
I am nervous about this trip. Good nerves, excited nerves, shpielkes nerves. I can’t wait to show our confirmands the wonders of our spiritual homeland, the joy and the challenge of the Jewish state. I know that the peace work and conversations we will engage in will be meaningful and complicated for them. I am holding my breath, hopeful that the ancient sites and stones that our people have walked down will echo with history and potential for our next generation, filling their hearts and souls with Jewish pride. And I pray that they will fall in love like I did the first time I travelled to Israel independent of my family. That they will see themselves in the state of Israel and know that it can be their home. Whether it is their home for a moment, for a few years or for a lifetime.
And so, these words of the Tefillat Ha’Derech come pouring out of my lips.
May it be your will oh God, that you should lead us in peace, direct our steps in peace, guide us in peace, support us in peace, and that when we reach our destination it will be for life, joy and peace! Amen!
You can learn more about your own chance to travel to Israel, and beyond, with Holy Blossom HERE!
The Hamilton Community and the Canadian Reform Movement mourn for Rabbi Bernard Baskin, who lived well into his 103rd year of life. He was the Rabbi of Anshe Sholom from 1949 to 1989—and then Rabbi Emeritus until 2017. He became a part of the Holy Blossom community when he moved to Toronto to be closer to his children, Susan and David. His last “congregation” was made up of his friends and neighbours at the Russell Hill Retirement Residence where he continued to teach and counsel.
With the conclusion of Shloshim, we share these excerpts from the eulogies given by his three children and by Rabbi Splansky. Holy Blossom Temple honours Rabbi Baskin’s lifelong service and his leadership. May his memory be for a blessing.
From Judith Baskin, Professor of Jewish Studies:
The rabbinic tractate, Pirke Avot, The Sayings of the Fathers, records that the sage Ben Zoma asked: “Who is wise?” and answered his own question, as follows, “The wise person is someone who learns from every human being.” Ben Zoma then inquired, “Who is mighty?” And he responded: “The one who is slow to anger is more powerful than the mighty.” Ben Zoma next queried: “Who is rich?” and he rejoined, “A person who rejoices in her or his place in life – to that person, the Psalmist says: “You shall enjoy the fruit of your labors, you shall be happy and you shall prosper” (Psalms 128:2) And finally, Ben Zoma wanted to know: “Who is honored?” And his answer was: “The individual who honors his fellow human beings, that person is honored” (4:1).
It is these four qualities: receptiveness to learning from every source; an irenic and peacemaking disposition; satisfaction with his life choices and their outcomes; and respect for others, that characterized our beloved departed father and grandfather, teacher and friend. Pirke Avot is often referred to as the Ethics of the Fathers, an apt description of its contents and concerns. Certainly, for Rabbi Bernard Baskin, the ethical was all. What, he might have asked, can we really know about God, or about what came before the creation of our world or about what comes after our life on earth? His reply to all of these universal questions would have been, not much. All that we can know and all that we can control during our lifetimes is how we choose to behave to others.
When construction on the new Temple Anshe Sholom building here on Cline Avenue North was being completed in 1952, Dad was tasked with choosing a dedication. He turned to the book of the prophet Micah and to those words that still remain on the building’s façade seventy years later: “God has told you, O human beings, what is good,/ And what God requires of you:/ Only to do justice/And to love mercy,/ And to walk humbly with your God.” It is how we act, ultimately, that matters; Dad was a just, good, and modest man.
From David Baskin, Past President of Holy Blossom Temple:
Why was the universe created? What is the nature of God? What is the purpose of human life? These are the big questions of theology. Philosophers and religions of all kinds have grappled with these issues for as long as we have written history. My father did not spend a lot of time worrying about them. His Judaism and his theology were not concerned with “Why?” It was focused on “How?” How can we live a meaningful life; how can we make the world a better place; how can we serve our fellow human beings?
In philosophical terms, Dad would be described as a humanist. He was in this sense very much a product of his times, because the mid-20th century saw the central issues of humanism leap from the religious sphere to the secular world. The civil rights movement, the rise of feminism, the fight for acceptance of what we now describe as the LGBTQ community – all these came to the forefront during his time in the pulpit. Dad did not duck these issues; he embraced them. The various awards he received in his life from organizations concerned with these matters are a testimony to the fact that he lived his beliefs; in the popular argot, he not only talked the talk, he walked the walk, and more importantly, he urged others to do the same.
And the last point, the thing that made Rabbi Baskin Hamilton’s Rabbi, was that he conveyed that message to the wider community with energy and urgency over a period of sixty years or more. Dad estimated that he gave at least 500 speeches outside the walls of his sanctuary. He was equally comfortable in churches and cathedrals, banquet halls and meeting rooms. He believed in the importance of what he had to say. He said it well, and often. He has been an inspiration to me, and I do my best to follow his example.
From Susan Baskin, beloved Teacher and Musician at Holy Blossom Temple:
On his final Shabbat, Dad was able to enjoy the company of his family and his dear friend Ailine Hess. He discussed the Torah portion of the week with my husband Jack and was able to recall passages in Hebrew. Dad summoned up his speaking skills one last time, to give my daughter Rachel a loving blessing, laced with wisdom and his usual wit. As was their practice, they snuggled up to take a ‘selfie’ and we are all so glad to have that final memory of Grandpa.
During the pandemic, out of concern that congregants and the wider community be included in both worship and programming, Dad made a generous donation to Temple Anshe Sholom, so that equipment could be purchased to enable live streaming. Dad held a deep affection for his flock in Hamilton, in Barrie, and at the Russell Hill. He created and maintained relationships and was an important figure in so many people’s lives. Our father was an outstanding role model, who led by example and taught us to value Torah, meaningful work, and acts of loving-kindness. His last formal talk—on the subject of Jewish Humour—was delivered to a packed house this past November at the Russell Hill.
…. As he slipped away I sang to him. The last words I heard from his voice were: “Oseh Shalom Bimramov, Hu ya’ashe shalom, aleinu v’al kol Yisrael, vi’mru: Amen.” May the one who makes peace in the heavens, make peace for us and for all of Israel and let us say: AMEN.
From Rabbi Splansky:
“As loving as a father is towards his children, so does the Eternal One love those who show reverence.” (from Psalm 103)
Rabbi Baskin was a public figure. His impact reached far and wide across the Canadian landscape and beyond. Now I wish to narrow the scope, to name the personal, and call attention to the family Rabbi Baskin adored. Judith, David, Susan – while your father – and your mother, Marjorie, whose memory is so much a part of this day – loved Anshe Sholom and led this community with attention and care — you have been the recipients of a distinct kind of love. For all the years of your upbringing and well into adulthood, you shared your parents with this sacred congregation. As a Rabbi’s kid myself, I know how that goes.
We call him “Moreinu HaRav,” “Our Teacher, The Rabbi.” Only you – his children – will have the distinct honour on every Yizkor day, in the quiet moments of private remembering to call him: “Avi uMori,” “My father, my teacher.” For us, he was first and always a teacher. For you, he was first and foremost, a father. You belonged to him uniquely and he belonged to you uniquely. In the decades since his retirement – while he continued to teach and write and lead – he became more yours. His speeches at family gatherings were not the same as the speeches he gave for others. The eloquence was the same, to be sure, but the softness on his face was altogether different. He loved his people without end, but he reserved a special love just for you, his family, his descendants, his favourites. May God watch over you now, as your father watched over you throughout his lifetime.
“God’s loving care is everlasting. God’s loyalty to children and children’s children will endure – age after age, unchanging.” (from Psalm 103)
My name is Melanie. My family and I are new members of the Holy Blossom. I have two children, ages 9 and 12 that have been attending the Hebrew School at Holy Blossom and loving it! We recently had the pleasure of attending Family Services at Holy Blossom for the first time back in December. It was such a lovely experience to attend the Family Service. Rabbi Eliza McCarroll is so warm and welcoming and leads a terrific service. The atmosphere is relaxed and welcoming to children of all ages. The musical accompaniment with David Gershon (and occasionally Avishai Sol) made the service fun for all. My kids enjoyed going into a breakout room with our shinishinit, Ella. And I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that we all enjoyed a delicious lunch after the service complete with bagels (with all the fixings), fruit and lots of treats.
I also had the chance to reflect on how important it is for children to attend Shabbat services to complement what they are learning in Hebrew School (whether it be day school or otherwise). The way I think of it, attending Shabbat services is an integral part of the Hebrew School experience. The Family Service in particular is a fun and interactive way for children to see what they have been learning at Hebrew school put into action and allows the Hebrew school experience to extend beyond the classroom. The children can proudly chant prayers they have been learning and sing along with the congregation. Attending Shabbat services in conjunction with Hebrew School has also helped our children feel part of the Holy Blossom community and has helped to further foster the love they have for Judaism.
In addition, going to Shabbat services as a family creates lasting Jewish memories for children! No matter what age you are, you will learn something from attending a Family Service at Holy Blossom. At the Family Service that we most recently attended in January, my eldest daughter was proud to have been called up to the Bimah with a new friend that she met at Hebrew School to read a special poem.
I can’t wait to meet more of our wonderful community at the next Family Service.
Family Services for the remainder of 2023 are March 11, April 15, May 13, and June 11.
From your friend in Los Angeles, Jennifer Malvin
I wish I could say that I had climbed mountains and crossed deserts to arrive at the oasis called Holy Blossom Temple. In truth, there was no weather event and no revelation. There was only inspiration. The COVID pandemic had closed the doors of my local synagogue. So, I began looking for an online portal. Tapping my mouse, like Dorothy clicking her heels, Google instantly transported me to Toronto’s very own Jewish Land of Oz, called Holy Blossom Temple. There, I found friends, teachers, tzadiks (Jewish wizards), and mensches. Most significantly, I found a group of individuals whose communal heart overflows with chesed and rachamim. For me, the “holy” in Holy Blossom was the divine hand that led me there.
A single Zoom square measures no more than a few inches, and yet, the friendships I’ve made at Holy Blossom span continents. Not only do we share services together, but we participate in the expansive number of programs that Holy Blossom offers through a cadre of dedicated hosts, all volunteers by the way. Jack Kugelmass’s daily social hour, L’Chaim; Marty Steinhouse’s weekly program on Jewish music; Cynthia Good’s frequent book review, Good Books; Gillian Helfield’s film review, What I am Watching; the brilliant Israel Dialogues; Barbara Glazer’s Dorot; Rabbi Yael Splansky’s Shabbat Morning Torah Study; Harriet Wolman’s Poetry and Writing Group; and Mark Goodman’s classes on the Torah nourish and delight, always. Rabbi Kaye and Rabbi McCarrol recently arrived at Holy Blossom, and have already contributed in their own unique ways to my understanding of Judaic texts and values.
I am also indebted to Women of Holy Blossom and their programming partner, Women’s Advocacy Group. They continue to produce and sponsor a cascade of programs and events that have given me the opportunity to practice an active Judaism based on social values of inclusiveness, allyship, chesed, and mitzvot, to name a few. Their monthly newsletter not only inspires me but is a portal to this 100-year-old community of dedicated and dynamic women.
Rabbi Splansky is a captain worthy of every responsibility and pleasure her position holds. At big moments and small, milestones and minutes she is there with a kind word and an embrace, and most of all, her time. She is also at the forefront of the Reform movement, as it constantly seeks how best to serve the needs of its members.
Cantor Rosen, first introduced to Holy Blossom by Cantor Emeritus, Beny Maissner, is an artist who already thrills, and yet, whose potential I cannot begin to imagine. He is joined by Cantorial Soloist, Lindi Rivers, a songbird in her own right. They lift prayers from the page and drop them into pockets of my heart I didn’t know were there.
So, now you know just a few of the reasons why I love Holy Blossom, what makes the miles between us disappear, and why Zoom has become the lifeline to the community I have come to cherish.
With love and gratitude,
By: Audrey Birenbaum
Other than for weddings, bar mitzvahs and the occasional Rosh Hashanah service I hadn’t stepped foot into a synagogue in over 50 years. That was until my friend Anne Freeman invited me to a Simchat Torah service at Holy Blossom Temple. I didn’t realize, until that evening, what I had been missing from my life.
I had grown up in Montreal and attended an orthodox synagogue. I went to Hebrew school 3 times a week which involved a lot of kicking and screaming. Finally, in grade 3 my parents relented and pulled me out.
Each of my brothers found their own way back to shul as adults but I purposefully stayed away. As I am not raising a family of my own, there was no reason for me to become affiliated with any part of the Jewish community. I had no wedding ceremony and no children to educate. It wasn’t until I retired 3 years ago and joined the JCC that I even had a connection with a Jewish institution and that is where I met Anne.
Anne’s invitation to join the Simchat Torah celebration last October made a difference in my life. I found a familiarity with the shul I knew from childhood, but this one felt better. It felt comforting and welcoming. There were women on the Bima, there was participation among the congregants and understood why people were given aliyot. In short, I felt a kinship with those around me. It wasn’t long before I joined.
I now attend Torah study and weekly Shabbat services. I enjoy bagels and lox at kiddush with new friends. I have participated in the Dorot program and have taken on the co-chair role of the Kugel Kindness project, of the Bikkur Cholim Committee. I am getting great satisfaction from my new membership.
As Anne said to me recently, you never know when your life is going to change. In this case, I do know, it was on Simchat Torah 5783 and it was Anne’s kindness and caring that brought me here and I am thankful. Todah Rabbah.
1950 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON, M5P 3K9
(416) 789-3291
[email protected]
Emergency Funeral Contact
Cell: 416-565-7561