HBTogether Groups
HBTogether Groups, also sometimes called Chavurot, are Holy Blossom Temple members who come together within the larger congregational family over shared interests and identities. HBTogether Groups are one of the best ways to add even more meaning to your Temple life and to stay connected during this time. Try out a group and see if you want to join! Find the Zoom link to the groups you’re interested in on the Holy Blossom calendar.
Co-Chaired by Jill Kamin and Karen Kollins. Interested in starting a new group or have questions? Email Abigail Nemzer at anemzer@holyblossom.org
Conversational Hebrew Speakers
Led by Sylvia Papernick and Bella Shupac, meets on Mondays at 7:30 pm
Are you interested in joining a conversational Hebrew group? We are starting one and anyone with a basic level of conversational Hebrew is invited. The goal is for improvement in fluency, and to work on vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and to look at Israeli culture and history too.
Caregivers of People with Dementia
Led by Sandy Atlin, meets every other Wednesday 1:30-3 pm
This is a support group for family members who are caregivers for loved ones living with dementia and memory loss. If you identify with this you are most welcome to be a part of this group for discussion and peer support led by someone who has been a caregiver.
Led by Jack Kugelmass, meets Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 5:15 – 5:55 pm
Raise a glass or teacup with fellow congregants over Zoom and join a conversation about coping with the pandemic. Jack Kugelmass, MSW, will introduce the chat with insight about how to diminish anxiety during these trying times. Open and supportive discussion will follow until all are invited to join the Mincha service.
Suicide Loss Survivors
Led by Lise Sklar and Abigail Nemzer, meets the first Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm
This group is for anyone who has lost someone to suicide. It is a safe place to share memories, stories and experiences with others who have been there.
HBTogether Book Club
Led by Caroline Ingvaldsen, meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 11 am
This small group meets monthly to discuss books chosen by our members. New members are always welcome!
Writing and Poetry Group
Led by Harriet Wolman, meets third Thursdays at 4 pm
Staying home can be a real drag. But it is an opportunity for us to have time to be more creative than usual. Let’s share an original poem or article that you wrote or someone else’s that inspires you and helps you cope in these trying times.
Living with Chronic/Episodic Illness/Disability
This is a private group for people who are living with chronic illness to come together and share our experiences. If you identify as having a chronic illness you are most welcome to be a part of this group.
Travel Stories
Led by Arieh and Val Waldman, meets Wednesday evenings
Join Val and Arieh Waldman to share travel stories, both theirs and yours. Val and Arieh have travelled together around the world twice; each time for one year. Both times were with backpacks and minimal itineraries. The first trip was 1982 (in their 30s) and the second was 2006 (guess their ages). In between, they also did shorter trips with their children. Learn about the differences in travelling over the years and how children change (and enhance) the experience of travel.
Arts and Culture
Led by Barbara Glaser, meeting times vary
A like-minded group within the Holy Blossom Temple community, that comes together now virtually, in these unprecedented times of the pandemic. Continue to foster these relationships, connect over all things Art and Culture related and where various connections, friendships have bloomed. This is your place to connect, write, post anything art and culture related to continue to connect and grow together.
Led by Susan Baskin, meets Wednesday evenings and Sunday afternoons
The HBT Ukulele Group welcomes everyone—but given that we have been together for several years, people do need to have experience playing the ukulele to keep up.
A sampling of other groups that have previously met:
Mussar Yoga
Daytime Moms
Israeli Dance
Grandparents Gathering
Anti-Racism Reading and Discussion Group