Welcome, Rachel “Sas” Saslove!
Welcome, Rachel “Sas” Saslove!
We are pleased to announce that Rachel Saslove has joined the Holy Blossom professional team as Interim Director of Membership & Community Engagement. Abigail Nemzer (formerly Carpenter-Winch) will work with Rachel over the next few weeks to ensure a smooth transition to handover leading these important areas of Temple during Abigail’s parental leave.
Rachel, a.k.a “Sas”, brings a wealth of experience to Holy Blossom Temple through her extensive work as a professional in the Jewish Camping world in both the US and Canada, as well as through her professional and volunteer roles at various other Jewish Community organizations in Toronto such as the UJA, Taglit Birthright Israel, March of the Living International, URJ Camp George, and Hillel of Greater Toronto. Sas is no stranger to Holy Blossom Temple as she grew up in the Reform movement in Toronto and has fond memories of city-wide youth group events at Temple.
We are thrilled that Sas has joined the HBT Professional team and want to take this opportunity to wish Abigail and her family all the best!
Rachel Saslove can be reached at rsaslove@holyblossom.org and she will take over extension 232. If you’d like to introduce yourself and get to know Sas, she will be holding “get to know you” office hours over the month of January as below. Simply click on the Zoom link during one of those times, no appointment necessary. If you would prefer to schedule time to meet with Sas one on one, please use this link to schedule an appointment: www.calendly.com/rsaslove.
Times for “get to know you” office hours:
Tues. Jan 18th and Thurs. Jan 20th from 1pm – 2:00pm
Mon., Jan 24th and Wed. Jan 26th from 3pm – 4pm
Mon. Jan 31st and Wed. Feb 2nd from 12:30pm – 1:30pm
Tues. Feb 1st and Thurs. Feb 3rd from 3pm – 4pm
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 844 9913 8101
Passcode: 405484
One tap mobile
+16473744685,,84499138101#,,,,*405484# CANADA (Toronto)
+16475580588,,84499138101#,,,,*405484# CANADA (Toronto)
Dial by your location
+1 647 374 4685 (Toronto)
+1 647 558 0588 (Toronto)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 844 9913 8101
Passcode: 405484
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kJ3x7Lzs
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