Volunteers Visiting Forest Hill Place
By Michael Ryval
Gathered in a small dining room in Forest Hill Place, over 20 residents of the retirement home were delighted to partake in an early Rosh HaShanah party, just 10 days before the actual event. The delight came from listening to four volunteers from Holy Blossom Temple, who brought songs, prompted memories of past High Holydays, and reminded them of the significance of these days. Led by Bambi Katz, the other three volunteers were Denise Gordon, Paula Warren and myself, Michael Ryval.
After introducing the other volunteers to the residents, Bambi led the residents in singing Hinei Matovu Mah-nayim, David Melech Israel and Avinu Malkeinu. Then she explained the particular aspects of the month of Elul that led up to the start of Rosh HaShanah. Denise, who had never blown a shofar before, let loose with a fierce blast that had the residents cheering and applauding. That was followed by recollections of how the residents remembered Rosh HaShanah from their own childhoods and talked about favourite foods such as honey cake and gefilte fish.
Plates of apple slices and honey were passed around and everyone had a chance to dip some apple into the honey. Some residents spoke openly about how much they enjoyed the ritual. Finally, to close out the party, Denise held up the shofar once again and said, “I want to hear a very loud Te-keeee-yah Ge-dolah!” Without hesitating, the residents responded, as loudly as they could. And our group replied: L’shanah Tovah!
Yasher koach on this wonderful initiative!
Yasher koach on this wonderful initiative!