Rosh Chodesh Nissan: Honours Gerry Prendergast
Welcome to the Month of Nissan!
Women of Holy Blossom invites you to our Rosh Chodesh Service to welcome the month of Nissan next Sunday, March 30th, 2025 at 9:00 am.
Please join us for breakfast after the service to reconnect with friends and celebrate our Woman of Valour, Gerry Prendergast. I hope you can join us.
The month of Nissan is referred to as Chodesh ha-aviv (month of spring). It is considered the first month of the Jewish calendar, the Zodiac sign, Aries and its attribute is Speech. And a propos with speech the connection is to re-tell the story of the exodus from Egypt through the Haggadah. But in this case, we are here to recount the story of a Woman of Valour Gerry Prendergast, a woman with multiple virtues and exceptional qualities which we are lucky to witness every Shabbat in our temple.
Teresa Quiroz, on behalf of Women of Holy Blossom
Women of Valour Series honours Gerry Prendergast!
by Val Waldman
Anyone who knows Gerry Prendergast loves her for her sense of humour and even more for her sincere concern for others. Three things in her life have spiritually moved her: when training as a midwife she witnessed the miracle of birth, embracing the Jewish faith and values, and belonging to the Holy Blossom community.
Gerry was born in Dublin, Ireland. She described to me her disillusionment growing up in the Catholic Church which included being a student at private Catholic elementary and high schools. She was searching for a connection to God which was not evident to her in what the church offered.
Gerry came to Toronto from Dublin in 1980 with her husband and first daughter. Her second daughter was born in Canada. Having completed three nursing diplomas in Dublin, she began her career as an oncology nurse in 1986 after her divorce.
Here in Toronto she met Jewish friends and witnessed the joy and value of the celebration of Shabbat and Holidays.
Gerry worked with Dr. Barry Rosen at Princess Margaret Hospital. Barry and his wife Beth Goldstein were instrumental in introducing her to Rabbi John Moscowitz, who agreed to be her sponsoring rabbi for the Jewish Conversion Class. Gerry was inspired by the warmth of the community and the comfort of the friends she met there. Gerry completed the Jewish Conversion Class with the support of her daughters Emma and Krista. In 2008 she completed her adult Bat Mitzvah. She has continued to study with many teachers, including the Hartman Institute.
Gerry greets us almost every Shabbat morning and on major holidays. As Lead Usher she works with volunteers to ensure the community and guests are welcomed. She loves watching people, responding to their needs and observing people at prayer. She volunteered with the Out of the Cold Program. As Vice President of the Worship for 5 years, she oversaw the final printing of the Siddur Pirchei Kodesh, of the Shiva prayer book for the home, and of the leaflet “A Guide for Mourners”. She is a member of the Security Committee. She also makes sure the children’s books on the PJ Library bookracks are available every Shabbat and are festival-appropriate.
Gerry also has had the pleasure of being part of a Holy Blossom Chavurah for over 14 years.
Gerry explains how much she enjoys the camaraderie and dedication of so many of the people she’s worked with and met at Holy Blossom. This includes the volunteer ushers with their willingness to help and their caring, the enthusiasm of the volunteers for Out of the Cold, and the concern and hard work of the volunteer committee that oversees security for the Temple.
Did I mention that she chants Haftarah and Torah? She also chants the Purim Megillah. Her lovely voice fills the room with spirituality.
In addition to devoting so many hours to our Temple, Gerry often takes care of her beloved grandchildren Seamus and Gus and is an advocate for the needs of neurodivergent children and adults.
Gerry’s words: “I was looking for a strong belief system – a home, a validation. I have found for myself a purpose and a spiritual home here at Holy Blossom.” How fortunate we are to have her here at Holy Blossom as a woman of valour!
Gerry has been a pillar at Holy Blossom, and it is always a pleasure to be welcomed by her.