Dorot Presents: Book Signing of "The Covid Chronicles" with Harriet Wolman Monday, March 10, 11:00 am It is with delight that Dorot hosts devoted HBT member, Harriet Wolman, to celebrate the release of her book "The COVID Chronicles". It is a collection of the poetry that she has shared with us every week since […]
Taste of our Jewish texts With Dalia Alalouf Hone your reading skills by exploring our sacred texts – Siddur, Torah, and Haggadah. You might get inspired to chant a portion for the congregation. Register here $36 fee for 8 sessions
Film Talks: What I’m watching and why…. Monthly, Tuesdays, 10:30 am via Zoom We’re living in a Golden Age of television, film, and webisodes on the internet, and film professor Gillian Helfield is our intrepid guide through all of it – some speculative, some realistic and some purely escapist! Join her for a 20-minute check-in […]
Dorot Games Tuesdays, 12:30 pm Schwartz/Reisman Atrium Dorot programming is generously sponsored by Carole and Jay Sterling and Family We invite everyone to come to play your favourite games: Chess, Mahjong, Canasta, Rummycube, Dominos, Scrabble and social bridge.
Bereavement Discussion Group Immediately following our 6:00 pm evening service (via Zoom here), Jack Kugelmass, MSW, will provide a supportive environment to find new insight into the meaning of their losses. Whether a loved one died recently or long ago, we hope you will take comfort in this opportunity to find meaning and motivation in […]
Beit Midrash: Learning Inspired by the Shalom Hartman Institute Wednesdays, 7:00 pm Continuing this winter, join Rabbi Kaye in the Beit Midrash! We gather most Wednesday evenings for a journey through Jewish wisdom, text, and history. A Beit Midrash, the house of study, is a playground for growing Jewish minds at every level. It […]
Community Dinner: Out of the Cold Thursdays, 5:30 pm For more than two decades, Holy Blossom Temple has generously opened its doors to the Out of the Cold Program (OOTC) during five winter months while providing nutritious meals and shelter to thousands of adults who are homeless, isolated, or facing food insecurity. Volunteers prepare warm […]
Family-Friendly Purim Fun: Mitzvot and Macaroni Thursday, March 13, 6:30 pm We invite all our families to gather in the Mishkan prior to our Megillah Reading and Spiel, as we make macaroni greggers together and engage in the mitzvah of "matanot la'evyonim", assembling care packages for our Out of the Cold program. A light […]
Purim 5785 Congregational Celebration: Megillah Reading and "Judge Bubbie” Spiel Thursday, March 13, 7:15 pm All are welcome for the Purim Megillah reading and “Judge Bubbie” Shpiel in the Sanctuary! Wear a costume and make some noise! To join us online, please visit our livestream page
Holy O’Blossom's Presents: Pub Night Purim (for Teens and Adults) Thursday, March 13, 8:00 pm The celebration continues for adults and teens at the Holy O’Blossom’s Pub Night in the Atrium, 8-10 p.m. Live music, dancing, games, beer & wine (19+), and snacks. Registration gets you one free alcohol ticket! (non-alcoholic drinks provided free) […]
Tefillah 101: An Introduction to Prayer and Spiritual Practice Everything You’ve Wanted to Ask About Jewish Prayer—But Never Did! Ever wondered why we bow at certain moments? What the Torah service really means? Or how Reform Judaism has shaped prayer? If you’ve had questions about Jewish prayer services but never felt able to ask, this […]
Good Books: What Cynthia is Reading, with Cynthia Good Tuesdays, 10:30 am via Zoom Cynthia Good has been a leader in the publishing industry for many years. Join her every second week to hear about the latest great novels she’s discovering, the development of contemporary genres, and old favourites. There’s time at the end for […]