1950 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON, M5P 3K9
(416) 789-3291
[email protected]
Emergency Funeral Contact
Cell: 416-565-7561
Kabbalat Shabbat Service Worship with our community in person at Temple or online. Shabbat is the perfect time to gather –whether in person or online. Let’s make the most of […]
Together we’ll study the weekly Torah portion, and its corresponding commentaries, both ancient and modern and discover their eternal relevance. Experienced students are valued for their accumulation of knowledge, and newcomers for their fresh insight.
Worship with our community in person at Temple or online. Click find out more for the links.
Our Shacharit Service is held daily at 7:30 am (9:00 am on Sundays and statutory holidays)
JK-Grade 5 classes will be held on Sunday mornings from 9:30 am – 12:30 pm (11:30 am for JK-Grade 1)
ShavuART Tov: Sunday Sparks of Spiritual Creativity Monthly, Sundays, 10:00 am With Sharoni Sibony “Over the coming century, the most vital human resource in need of conservation and protection […]
Our Shacharit Service is held daily at 7:30 am (9:00 am on Sundays and statutory holidays)
Monday through Thursday at 6:00 pm both in person and online!
Monday nights bring all our Teens and tweens together in one spot, for learning and socializing, strengthening our teen community, and creating a teen 'scene' each week. Open to ALL students in grades 8+
The Bible as Drama: Sacred Stories Transformed into Theatre Brotherhood Study Group with Rabbi Bill Tepper Four weeks: January 15, 22, 29, and February 5, 7:00 pm The narratives […]
Understanding Antisemitism in Canada Monday, January 22, 7:30 pm We must understand antisemitism to talk about it and to fight against it. Presented by the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal […]
Our Shacharit Service is held daily at 7:30 am (9:00 am on Sundays and statutory holidays)