Visual Artist Romi Samuels is Exhibiting at HBT!
Visual Artist Romi Samuels is Exhibiting in the Lower Level Gallery
Romi Samuels: “A Work in Progress”
Opening Reception: Wednesday, January 18th, 2023, from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm
From The Curator, Elizabeth Greisman:
Since September 2022, I have been very fortunate to have the opportunity to exhibit Jewish Artists of Excellencein the Lower Level Gallery (adjacent to the Philip Smith Congregational Hall).
The paintings of Romi Samuels are the second in a series of Exhibitions planned for 2022-2023.
Please stop by and have a look when you are at Holy Blossom Temple.
I hope to see you at the Opening of the Exhibition.
In Romi’s words:
“For me as an artist, creating paintings like this orange juice vendor in Safed allow me to relive the moment in all its richness and vitality. Through my paintings, I am able to connect with my memories, be they the markets of Israel, streetscapes in bustling Johannesburg where I grew up, scenes of rural African life and sometimes, just simple household items that inhabited my childhood.
In this retrospective exhibition, I have also included some of my big canvases of birds in flight, and my most recent series focusing on icons in classical music, where I have reinterpreted their portraits through my own expressionist lens.”
Very interested in getting acquainted with this exhibition, Elizabeth. Thanks for organizing.
Very interested in getting acquainted with this exhibition, Elizabeth. Thanks for organizing.
I exhibited at Holy Blossom as part of The Fine Art Commitee at the time in1985 and would dearly love to be part of an exhibition again.
Would love to hear from you.
Most sincerely ,
Donna Wise
I exhibited at Holy Blossom as part of The Fine Art Commitee at the time in1985 and would dearly love to be part of an exhibition again.
Would love to hear from you.
Most sincerely ,
Donna Wise