Named for the portable sanctuary that the Israelites carried with them in the exodus from Egypt, the Mishkan at Holy Blossom is a warm, modern, multi-purpose space. It’s perfect for everything from worship to meetings; to private Simchas, and beyond. It includes two integrated projectors and screens and is attached to our Catering Kitchen.
Seated around tables, approximately 150 or under*
Seated theatre style, approximately 200
*Please note that capacity changes depending on the style of food service and the configuration of your set-up. For buffet-style service, capacity will decrease to make room for the buffet tables. Please contact our Simcha Coordinator to speak about the specifics of your event!
For more information or to book the Mishkan, please contact Rebekah Lobosco Gilli at 416.789.3291 ext. 255 or email