Where do I enter and exit the building for High Holy Day Services?
The Schwartz/Reisman Atrium has been designed to serve as a gathering place, and everyone will enter through the main entrance (Ava Rd). To accommodate our growing congregation and help maintain the sanctity of the High Holy Days, congregants are asked to arrive on time. While there will be a single-entry point through the Atrium, congregants are asked to exit as follows:
- Main Sanctuary: exit through Bathurst doors or Herman Chapel doors (accessible)
- Philip Smith Congregational Hall: exit through Dewbourne doors (north side)
- Mishkan & Youth Chapel: exit through Atrium
What health & safety protocols are in place?
For the health & safety of all, if you feel unwell and have flu/cold-like symptoms (Covid or otherwise), we expect you will stay home and join services via livestream. Masks are
appreciated and encouraged, though not required at Temple at this time. We expect all congregants and visitors to respect each individual’s decision. Rigorous cleaning will continue, and hand sanitizer will be available throughout the building. Services have been scheduled to give congregants the option of distancing should they wish, as best as possible. A certified Emergency Medical Responder will be on-site during all services.
Holy Blossom Temple strongly encourages all who are eligible for vaccination to do so at your earliest opportunity, including pediatric vaccines and boosters/3rd/4th doses.
What arrangements have been made for security?
Uniformed Security representatives will be present and will ask to see your tickets; they may ask you to open any purses or bags. Unless you have small children accompanying you, please avoid bringing large bags. Ushers, Greeters, and HBT staff will be located throughout the Temple and have been trained in security procedures. Please give our Security team your full cooperation. We are all partners in helping to ensure our Temple is safe and secure. So please: if you see something, say something.
Are you able to help with accessibility and special needs?
Yes indeed. Accessible washrooms are available adjacent to each of the worship locations. Additional washrooms are on the Lower Level. For any special needs, please contact reception at ext. 221 to arrange assistance in advance. We can provide special seating for those with mobility, hearing, or vision challenges. Limited parking (first come-first served) may also be available.
Are the services open to non-members?
Most of our services and Yom Kippur study sessions are for members only. The Second Day Rosh Hashanah service will be available to the public on our website. The Little Blossoms & Young Readers services (in person) are open to all who wish to join. Guests will need to register in advance here: holyblossom.org/guestfamilies/
Where can I park my car?
The Toronto Parking authorities are aware of the High Holy Days and will provide considerable leniency for those who park on area streets. They will ticket you if you park too near to a fire hydrant, in front of a local resident’s driveway, or too close to a corner.
How do I access the services remotely?
Main Sanctuary services will be streamed on the Holy Blossom website at: holyblossom.org/hhd. To access this page, you will need the password provided on your ticket included in your ticket package. We suggest you try accessing the page before Rosh Hashanah, to ensure you are able to do so. If you do not have a computer or reliable internet access, please call Membership at 416-789-3291, ext 232 to request the call-in information before the holiday.
The link to download our Machzor will be available on our website at: holyblossom.org/hhd. If you prefer to have a hard copy of our prayerbook and did not pick one up last year or the year before, you can stop by to pick one up from Temple the week of September 6th, 12th or 19th.
If you are having trouble in the thirty minutes before services begin and need remote assistance, please contact tech support at reception@holyblossom.org or call 416.789.3291.
Will there be any opportunities to socialize with other members online?
Yes! We will have opportunities for you to connect with your friends and congregants in our Virtual Atrium! The Virtual Atrium Zoom meeting will be open from early to late on all High Holy Days. The room will not be hosted, but we encourage those joining online to meet and greet each other at your convenience surrounding service times. If you are still having trouble, or your question has not been addressed, please email reception@holyblossom.org or call 416-789-3291, ext 221.