Kol Nidre: Teen Service

Kol Nidre: Teen Service Wednesday, September 15, 6:00 pm Sign up for in-person here: https://slotted.co/hbtkolnidreteen   Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89995223275?pwd=MURFUlB2M0t4TXNuZU14ZVAwNWsrUT09   Meeting ID: 899 9522 3275 Passcode: 299128 One tap […]

Kol Nidre: Teen Service

Kol Nidre: Teen Service Wednesday, September 15, 6:00 pm HBT Members: for the zoom link to this service please go to holyblossom.org/hhd/

Kol Nidre First Service

Kol Nidre First Service Wednesday, September 15, 6:00 pm   Please return to holyblossom.org/hhd to join our main sanctuary services.

Kol Nidre: Family Service

Kol Nidre: Family Service Wednesday, September 15, 7:00 pm Holy Blossom Temple is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Kol Nidre - Family 2 Time: Sep 15, 2021 […]

Kol Nidre: Family Service

Kol Nidre: Family Service Wednesday, September 15, 7:00 pm HBT Members: for the zoom link to this service please go to holyblossom.org/hhd/

HBTogether: Travel Stories

Join Val and Arieh Waldman to share travel stories, both theirs and yours.  Val and Arieh have travelled together around the world twice; each time for one year.  Both times […]

Kol Nidre: Young Adult (YAD) Service

Kol Nidre: Young Adult (YAD) Service Wednesday, September 15, 8:30 pm Online only!   Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/93706323974?pwd=VUdaa000djdGQTFONldMZXNtZjlJZz09   Meeting ID: 937 0632 3974 Passcode: 322456 One tap mobile +16475580588,,93706323974#,,,,*322456# […]

Kol Nidre: Young Adult (YAD) Service

Kol Nidre: Young Adult (YAD) Service Wednesday, September 15, 8:30 pm (online only) HBT Members: for the zoom link to this service please go to holyblossom.org/hhd/

Kol Nidre Second Service

Kol Nidre Second Service Wednesday, September 15, 8:30 pm   Please return to holyblossom.org/hhd to join our main sanctuary services.  

Yom Kippur Morning Service

Yom Kippur Morning Service Thursday, September 16, 10:00 am   Please return to holyblossom.org/hhd to join our main sanctuary services.

Yom Kippur Morning: Family Service

Yom Kippur Morning: Family Service Thursday, September 16, 11:15 am HBT Members: for the zoom link to this service please go to holyblossom.org/hhd/

Yom Kippur Morning: Family Service

Yom Kippur Morning: Family Service Thursday, September 16, 11:15 am Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81383078923?pwd=U0ZXRlp5SXNqZHFwZ2VONXZFNzV6Zz09   Meeting ID: 813 8307 8923 Passcode: 887690 One tap mobile +13017158592,,81383078923#,,,,*887690# US (Washington DC) +13126266799,,81383078923#,,,,*887690# […]

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