1950 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON, M5P 3K9
(416) 789-3291
[email protected]
Emergency Funeral Contact
Cell: 416-565-7561
Worship with our community in person at Temple or online.
Holy Blossom AGM 2023 Sunday, December 3, 10:00 am Shacharit Services at 9:00 am, Breakfast at 9:30 am. Holy Blossom Temple members are invited to join the Annual General Meeting […]
YEAH Candle Making and Chanukah Fun! Sunday, December 3, 12:30 pm Join us for a YEAH Chanukah program on Sunday, December 3rd. All those in grades 2-5 are invited […]
Gifts of Light: United in Humanity In Support of Ve’ahavta Sunday, December 3, 4:00 pm Holy Blossom Temple Tickets are $36 (in person) and $18 (online) or pay what you […]
Dinner with HaTzipporim (following Gifts of Light) Sunday, December 3, 6:30 pm Join us and other HaTzipporim members for the "Gifts of Light" concert on Sunday, December 3rd at […]
Bring your live questions to this weekly potpourri of episodes large and small in Jewish history. Join us in-person or on Zoom!
HBTogether Support Group for Family Caregivers (of relatives with dementia) Monthly, 1:00 pm Register here! https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85875347732?pwd=ODFiZENyUkNsNFAxdUthR214TkxVUT09 Meeting ID: 858 7534 7732 Passcode: 143546 This is a peer support/discussion group for […]
Beit Midrash: Learning Inspired by the Shalom Hartman Institute Wednesdays, Fall Session, November 8 - December 13, 7:00 pm Wednesdays starting November 8, 2023 Winter Session: January 31 through February […]
Temple member and lawyer Mark Goodman shines a light on contemporary questions and how they’re negotiated by rabbis today. Join us in-person or on Zoom!
Community Dinner: An Out of the Cold Program, is our community’s chance to join together for a meal that replenishes body and soul. Together we can feed those experiencing food insecurity and homelessness. Volunteers with Holy Blossom Temple provide a warm meal, resources and warm clothes for the winter, and solace during these dark and cold months when they are needed most.
Honoured members of Holy Blossom Temple light the synagogue Chanukiah. Come and be inspired by their efforts and the light they shine!
Little Blossoms with Marky Weinstock 3 times available: 10:00 AM, 11:00 am & 12:00 pm 10 Weeks: October 13, 20, 27, November 3, 10, 17, 24, December 1, 8, 15 […]