1950 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON, M5P 3K9
(416) 789-3291
[email protected]
Emergency Funeral Contact
Cell: 416-565-7561
Honour Rabbi Baruchel's Installation with Service, Study, and Celebration! This special Shabbat will be elevated by Rabbi Baruchel's favourite teacher, Scholar-in-Residence Professor, Dvora Weisberg, the Rabbi Aaron Panken Professor of […]
Shabbat Morning Torah Study Shabbat Morning Torah Study dedicated to the memory of Rabbi Mark Dov Shapiro z"l and in honour of Rabbi Baruchel's Installation Shabbat mornings at 9:00 am […]
Honour Rabbi Baruchel's Installation with Service, Study, and Celebration! This special Shabbat will be elevated by Rabbi Baruchel's favourite teacher, Scholar-in-Residence Professor, Dvora Weisberg, the Rabbi Aaron Panken Professor of […]
YAD Havdalah With Rabbi Dr. Dvora Weisberg and Rabbi Taylor Baruchel Saturday, November 4, 6:30 pm Come make Havdalah with your fellow Young Professionals and learn with Rabbi Baruchel’s […]
Temple members and friends are invited to join an Israel information update & social support forum, over Zoom.
All those in JYG, join us for youth lounge nights before senior school on select Mondays!
PRESERVING LOST WORLDS Memories in Wood followed by Three Minutes: A Lengthening Holocaust Education Week Monday, November 6, 7:00 pm with Manuel Herz The Schwartz/Reisman Centre for Adult Jewish Learning, […]
Temple members and friends are invited to join an Israel information update & social support forum, over Zoom.
Responding to the War in Israel Tuesday, November 7, 7:30 pm, Adath Israel Congregation Given this unprecedented moment of crisis for Israel and the Jewish people, how can we […]
Bring your live questions to this weekly potpourri of episodes large and small in Jewish history. Join us in-person or on Zoom!
The Synagogue at Babyn Yar, Turning the Nightmares of Evil into a Shared Dream of Good. The story, exhibit and synagogue honour this time in history and witness the inspiring memorial for all to share at Babyn Yar today.
Temple members and friends are invited to join an Israel information update & social support forum, over Zoom.