HBTeen March Break Israel Experience: Exploring the land through People and Places
March 11-19, 2023
Eligibility: all students in grades 9-12
Registration deadline: December 22. After December 22 as space permits.
Cost: $6600 (includes airfare, all land costs and all meals) *some subsidies are available
Led by Lisa Isen Baumal and Rabbi Samuel Kaye, The Holy Blossom Teen Israel trip will be a unique and exciting opportunity for teens to engage with Israel and the people who live there. Not only will we be touring and experiencing different sights and places, teens will also learn about the country directly from Israelis and engage in meaningful activities that have a direct impact on individuals.
This trip is a great first taste of Israel, and equally meaningful as a return trip!
Reserve your spot by filling out this first-step registration form: https://congregationconnect.tfaforms.net/f/HBTMBIT2023
Join us for an information session, Monday, November 28 at 8:30 pm (in person at HBT) to learn more, hear a sample itinerary and ask questions.