Film Talks: What I’m watching and why….
Tuesday, January 25, 10:00 am via Zoom
We’re living in a Golden Age of television, film, and webisodes on the internet, and film professor Gillian Helfield is our intrepid guide through all of it – some speculative, some realistic and some purely escapist! Join her for a 20-minute check-in to find out what she’s watching now and why. Atthe end, there’s time for you to add your own viewing suggestions.
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‘May you live in interesting times.’ While these may be precarious times, as we are seeing all around us, they are also times of incredible creativity and innovation. This includes a whole new range of discussion-worthy programming on television and the internet – some speculative, some realistic and some purely escapist!
Join film professor Gillian Helfield for a 15-minute check-in to find out what she’s watching now and why. At the end, there will be time for you to add your own viewing suggestions. Just 15 minutes to connect, every second week!