UJA’s Emergency Appeal for the People of Israel
15,000 Jewish community members and allies united to show our support for the people of Israel. Thousands more joined online. Together, we showed the world who we are, what we stand for, and why all who value human life and dignity must stand with Israel today.
If you were with us at the Emergency Rally, thank you. Israelis need us—and we all need the power of community more than ever. If you missed the experience, you can watch the livestream recording here or read coverage in the Times of Israel here.
The UJA’s Emergency Rally was just the beginning. So many have reached out to the UJA to ask how they can help. As was shared at the rally, The UJA of Greater Toronto is reaching out to mobilize our community to make a positive impact in different ways.
Three important calls to action:
Donate to UJA’s Emergency Appeal for the People of Israel.
Every donation will be directed to the Annual Campaign investments in helping Israelis who are suffering. This includes support for civilians evacuating from the war zone, emergency financial aid to victims of terrorism, and trauma and mental health services for area residents. The special focus is on the UJA’s partner community of Sderot, which has been devastated by these atrocities.
Donate urgently needed medical supplies and essentials.
Starting Wednesday, UJA Genesis is calling on the community to donate vital goods, which will be delivered directly to their partners on the ground in Israel. They will be looking for the following items:
- First aid kits
- Polysporin/antibiotic ointment
- Pain relief medication such as Tylenol/Advil
- Bandaids/gauze
- Warm socks
- Thermal underwear
Drop-off times:
Wednesday, October 11: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday, October 12: 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday, October 13: 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM
Drop-off location:
Sherman Campus
4600 Bathurst Street
Lipa Green Centre (Tamari Hall)
For the time being, we kindly ask that donations of the above products are new and unopened. More drop-off locations will become available next week.
Donate your expertise as a mental health professional.
Together with Jewish Family and Child Service, the UJA is seeking people with professional backgrounds and experience in mental health and psychological/emotional support (counselling, therapy, etc.) who could assist members of our community who are struggling right now. With many in Jewish Toronto having family or friends directly impacted by these terrorist attacks, the needs are growing. If you are able to volunteer your time and services, please fill out this form here.
Follow @UJAGenesis on Instagram for updates on these and other initiatives to help in the days ahead, or email mliebovitz@ujafed.org to connect.
These are dark days for the people of Israel and our global Jewish family. But we are not helpless—and your help today will make a difference for those who need us.
Thank you—Am Yisrael Chai!