Announcing Israeli Resettlement Support
On Sukkot we turn our world upside down. We abandon our very comfortable homes for a simple hut. We say goodbye to a roof and embrace the scach. We defiantly hope for pleasant weather at the exact moment when we know the temperature is going to turn.
And then, no worse for wear, we turn the world right-side up and go home!
But in Israel, not everyone is going home. Home was destroyed by a rocket. Home is in range of a missile that will launch and hit before Iron Dome can launch. Home is an evacuation zone.
In Israel the world is staying upside down. More than one year into a war that continues to escalate, some Israelis are making the hard choice to find a new home. For some, that new home is Canada.
With your help, the Israeli Resettlement Support Team at Holy Blossom will be there to welcome them.
Our members, Les Rothschild and Yonit Landskroner have started this vital work. Please read on and learn about what they have done, what we are doing, and how you can get involved in the next steps.
Putting the Garage to Use
By Yonit Landskroner
On October 7th, 2023, I woke up to what became the worst day of my life. I was in Tel Aviv at my parents’ house, visiting to celebrate my nephew’s upcoming Bar Mitzvah. We woke up to blaring sirens and my mother rushing us to go into the safe room. Shay my husband, was staying with his mother, in Caesarea, and Uri, our son, was staying with his friend in Ramat Hasharon. After ensuring everyone’s safety, we tried to understand what was going on. We were “glued” to the TV as the news was unfolding by the moment. It was horrific and devastating. Where was the army? We could not understand!
Eventually, my body came back to Toronto, but my broken heart was always in Israel.
Like many Israelis and Jewish people in our community, I lived in a daze, as if on a different planet. We were going to rallies, signing petitions, sending emails and letters to any organization that could/ should help and looking to do something, anything! There was a sense of helplessness and hopelessness of things being out of our control.
Then a couple of months ago, a neighbour on our street sent a message looking for furniture and household items. It was to help two Israeli newcomer families who were moving from an Airbnb to a rented unit. The people on our street donated clothing and furniture for these families, and I offered my garage to store them in the meantime.
Soon it became obvious there are more than only these two families that had arrived and needed help. Today there are more than a thousand Israeli families that arrived in Toronto since October 7th.
In the last couple of months, a group of my close friends and neighbours have spread the word, and collected and dropped off items in my garage. We spend the evenings sorting items, placing them in the “shop.” Then I take photos of selected items and publish them in a Facebook group called: Clothes and Household Items for Israeli Newcomer Families in TORONTO & GTA
All these items are given away for free. People contact me through Facebook, we set up a time for them to come and pick up, often during my lunch break or in the evenings. I always ask how long they have been in Canada, and about their family, so I can better understand their needs. People come to pick up a specific item and often leave with a car full of stuff! Sometimes they come more than once!
During the summer, items such as Lego, toys, puzzles and creative art kits were popular to keep the children busy. Many Israeli Newcomers arrive with young children and can not afford to send them to day camps. Clothing for young children is also in high demand, particularly now in anticipation of the winter and as these young children are growing.
We also help with larger needs such as furniture. Friendly families who are downsizing, renovating, or clearing out a home send me photos of what they have to donate. I placed the photos in the Facebook group and arranged for the Israeli Newcomers who are interested to pick up the furniture directly from the donors. It is a win-win, and an environmentally friendly solution.
In just a couple of months, we have helped over 100 Israeli families.
How can your donations help us going forward?
- As winter is approaching, we are collecting much-needed winter gear: coats and boots of all sizes, gloves, hats and snow pants.
- You can post directly on the Facebook group Clothes and Household Items for Israeli Newcomer Families in TORONTO & GTA . Anything from gently used clothing to furniture or other basic household items are welcomed. Consider any items needed when moving into a new home: TV, office chairs, pots, pans, cutlery sets, dinnerware sets, small electric appliances etc.
If you can help with any of the above, please reach out to me at and I will be happy to assist and facilitate. In addition, I will be happy to hear from you if you have any other ideas or suggestions as to how we can enhance this initiative and support Israeli newcomer and their families.
Continuing a Holy Blossom Tradition
By Les Rothschild
Holy Blossom Temple has a long history of helping those who want to settle in Canada. Our efforts started in the 80s, led by Howard Adelman z”l, as our membership rallied to make a difference alongside our partner in these efforts, the Jewish Immigrant Aid Society. For the past several years this effort has been led by Jaqui Frieland. She, and many of you, have worked tirelessly to make sure that new arrivals had proper support, clothing and furniture.
In these very difficult times, there is a new need for settlement services explicitly for Israelis. The Canadian government has provided Israelis with the opportunity to come to Canada and to stay for up to 3 years as residents, on an open work permit. About 1000 Israeli families have arrived in Toronto during the past year and it is estimated that this number may triple over the next 6-8 months. Of the Israeli newcomers who have arrived since October 2023, the vast majority are young families who are highly educated professionals with significant work experience.
A new group has been formed at HBT to address the settlement of Israelis. The primary focus will be to use the collective resources of our membership to help them find housing and employment.
There are a variety of challenges. Israelis arrive in Canada on a visitor’s permit and must apply for their work permits once they are in Canada, and then they face a 3-6 month waiting period before they can legally work. It often takes several months to secure employment even after they receive their work permit. In addition, as newcomers with no Canadian credit history, most landlords will not rent to them and if they do, they demand 6-12 months rent upfront. This practice is not legal, but it is the reality.
Job Search
As Canadians, we all have extensive networks and can tap into them to help newcomers grow their contact lists and networking opportunities. We are seeking volunteers willing to be professional mentors to help Israelis rebuild their networks and better understand the Canadian job market.
Community members with basement apartments or other units available for short-term stays of up to 30 days can offer accommodations at no cost through the JIAS partnership with This partnership allows JIAS to book regular Airbnb rentals for vulnerable newcomers with urgent housing needs by charging the costs to a partnership grant. It also allows Canadians to offer free accommodations for newcomers (which JIAS can book, and which cannot be seen by the public) through the Airbnb platform and will be covered by Aircover, Airbnb’s insurance coverage. The rent is covered by a grant.
The greatest housing need for Israelis is access to long-term housing opportunities. We welcome any opportunities to build relationships with “friendly landlords” – whether individuals or companies – who are willing to lease to Israelis facing housing barriers due to their status in the country and lack of employment. The ask is not only necessarily for discounted rent but also for the opportunity to pay rent monthly and to secure a lease.
In short, we are seeking to connect with landlords of residential properties willing to provide access to long-term housing opportunities.
לֹא תִקְפֹּץ אֶת־יָדְךָ מֵאָחִיךָ הָאֶבְיוֹן
Do not harden your heart and shut your hand against your needy kin. (Deuteronomy 15:7)
This work is only just beginning. If you’d like to get involved on any level, please start by emailing Kate Wootton at, as she begins the process of assembling a mailing list of dedicated volunteers.
Les, Yonit and I – along with other members of this team- will be in touch soon.
Moadim L’Simcha,
This can be a time of joy.
Together, let us make it so