Many members celebrating life-cycle events are interested in making donations to our Foundation to commemorate their special occasions. Among the many ways to contribute, establishing an endowment fund in the family’s name is a wonderful way to celebrate the simchas and achievements of loved ones or to honour their memory. Endowment funds support the pillars of our Temple — Torah (study), Avodah (worship), Gemilut Chasadim (deeds of social responsibility) and the building of a vibrant synagogue community.
As families mark each stage of life, they can continue to contribute to their fund. A growing fund will not only honour the family name in perpetuity but will ensure that our synagogue will continue to bring joy at every stage of life — from generation to generation.
For information on establishing a family endowment fund, please call the Foundation Office at (416) 789-3291, ext. 265.
To make a donation in honour or in memory of someone special click here