Holy Blossom Temple’s department of Kehila Kedosha would like to share with you an opportunity to join a small group with JF&CS. The following groups still have some spaces left in them and are starting up in two weeks. There is NO CHARGE to your participation. If you would like to get connected to one of these groups, please contact Rabbi Zachary Goodman ([email protected]) and he will happily make a referral.
THE CHALLENGE OF ANGER FOR WOMEN– A six-session group for women who want to learn how to express their anger in an assertive, non-aggressive way. Topics include understanding what triggers your anger; emotional and physical responses to anger and alternative techniques to express your anger. Tuesdays February 1/22 from 7:30 to 9 p.m.
MIND, BODY, CONNECTION for Women PART 1: Join us in a six-session group for women who want to begin learning the practice of mindfulness and meditation in a safe and supportive group setting. Topics will include stress and anxiety reduction, connecting with your mind and body, enhancing your self-worth and self-esteem, and learning about general relaxation and happiness. Wednesdays February 2/22 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. (afternoons) OR Wednesdays February 16/22 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. (evenings).
LIVING WITH TEENS– Parenting your adolescent without losing your cool. A six-session group for parents of teenagers. Topics include: setting appropriate limits; learning to let go; parents’ rights and responsibilities; keeping the lines of communication open; realistic expectations, and the pressures of drugs, alcohol, dating and sexuality. Thursdays February 3/22 from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m.
ADULT CHILDREN LOSING A PARENT– A six-session group for adult children who have recently lost a parent. Topics include: coping with grief, loss and legacy and resolving unfinished business. Thursdays February 3/22 from 7:30 to 9 p.m.