Tefillah 101: An Introduction to Prayer and Spiritual Practice Everything You’ve Wanted to Ask About Jewish Prayer—But Never Did! Ever wondered why we bow at certain moments? What the Torah service really means? Or how Reform Judaism has shaped prayer? If you’ve had questions about Jewish prayer services but never felt able to ask, this […]
Good Books: What Cynthia is Reading, with Cynthia Good Tuesdays, 10:30 am via Zoom Cynthia Good has been a leader in the publishing industry for many years. Join her every second week to hear about the latest great novels she’s discovering, the development of contemporary genres, and old favourites. There’s time at the end for […]
Dorot Games Tuesdays, 12:30 pm Schwartz/Reisman Atrium Dorot programming is generously sponsored by Carole and Jay Sterling and Family We invite everyone to come to play your favourite games: Chess, Mahjong, Canasta, Rummycube, Dominos, Scrabble and social bridge.
Israel Dialogues Spring 2025 April 2, April 11, May 8, 12:00 pm (online only) with thanks to our Israel Dialogues Organizing Committee and our expert panellists Register here Wednesday, April 2, 12:00 pm Israel in Crisis: A Jewish Diaspora Response with Rabbi Ammiel Hirsch Rabbi Hirsch is the former Executive Director of ARZA […]
Little Blossoms with Marky Weinstock 3 times available: 10:00 am, 11:00 am, and 12:00 pm 9 Weeks: March 21, 28 April 4, 25 May 2, 9, 23, 30, and June 6 0 – 5 years of age Register here! Join us on Friday mornings for Shabbat music, stories, and more. Dr. Marky (MD, […]
Wine & Cheese & Poetry Toronto Jewish Poetry Exchange in Celebration of National Poetry Month Friday, April 4, 5:00 pm We’ll kick off this special weekend with a wine and cheese nosh and a chance to meet our Poets-in-Residence before our Kabbalat Shabbat services. Hear a brief selection of their poems and usher in […]
The Union for Reform Judaism Honours Elliott Jacobson and Carole Sterling for Decades of Leadership Shabbat VaYikra, Saturday, April 5, 2025 Elliott and Carole, each in their own ways, have served and strengthened Holy Blossom Temple and Canadian Jewry. Likely less known among the congregation is their longtime leadership within the North American Reform Movement. […]
Shabbat Morning Torah Study with Guest Poets As part of our Toronto Jewish Poetry Exchange, In Celebration of National Poetry Month Shabbat VaYikra, Saturday April 5, 9:00 am On Sacrifice and Service Poets Deborah Leipziger, Alisha Kaplan, and Adam Sol will provide a poetic approach to the weekly Torah portion Parashat Vayikra. This Torah […]
Israeli Dancing with Paula Warren Saturdays, 1:00 pm Celebrate 100 years of Israeli Folk Dance, by heading to the Schwartz/Reisman atrium after the congregational Kiddush.
Pesach Seder Through the Arts: YEC and Young Families Spotlight Sunday, April 6, 10:30 am Get ready for Pesach with the Youth Education Centre! Using different art forms, we’ll create new material and experiences for you to add to your family’s seders. This creative, experiential learning program is open to ALL Holy Blossom families, […]
YAD: Next Gen: 2nd Annual Matzah Crack Making! Sunday, April 6, 11:30 am Join us for a yummy afternoon indulging in the sweet combination of chocolate, toffee, and matzah. Whether you're a seasoned chef or a kitchen novice, it promises to be a fun-filled experience! Register here! Spaces are limited, please sign up ahead […]
Brotherhood Curling Event: Come Sweep with Us! Sunday, April 6, 12:00 pm Are you good with a broom? Have you ever curled? Join us for a fun-filled few hours of curling! No prior experience is required – bring your enthusiasm and a willingness to learn It's a great way to bond, challenge yourself, and […]
Tefillah 101: An Introduction to Prayer and Spiritual Practice Everything You’ve Wanted to Ask About Jewish Prayer—But Never Did! Ever wondered why we bow at certain moments? What the Torah service really means? Or how Reform Judaism has shaped prayer? If you’ve had questions about Jewish prayer services but never felt able to ask, this […]
The Art of Grandparenting Tuesday, January 28 and April 8, 11:00 am Calling all Grandparents! Come and join us as we continue our educational series, as we discuss the important questions of: What is our ‘grand’ vision? How do we enrich our local or long-distance relationships with our grandchildren? How do we create a […]
Dorot Games Tuesdays, 12:30 pm Schwartz/Reisman Atrium Dorot programming is generously sponsored by Carole and Jay Sterling and Family We invite everyone to come to play your favourite games: Chess, Mahjong, Canasta, Rummycube, Dominos, Scrabble and social bridge.
North American premiere of Marc Antoine Charpentier’s David and Jonathan Thursday, April 10, 7:30 pm Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON M5S 1V6 After presenting excerpts of Charpentier's Opera at our Shabbat Shira celebration, Opera Atelier is offering a 20% discount to their Canadian Premier at Koerner Hall on Thursday, April 10th! […]
Little Blossoms with Marky Weinstock 3 times available: 10:00 am, 11:00 am, and 12:00 pm 9 Weeks: March 21, 28 April 4, 25 May 2, 9, 23, 30, and June 6 0 – 5 years of age Register here! Join us on Friday mornings for Shabbat music, stories, and more. Dr. Marky (MD, […]
Israel Dialogues Spring 2025 April 2, April 11, May 8, 12:00 pm (online only) with thanks to our Israel Dialogues Organizing Committee and our expert panellists Register here Wednesday, April 2, 12:00 pm Israel in Crisis: A Jewish Diaspora Response with Rabbi Ammiel Hirsch Rabbi Hirsch is the former Executive Director of ARZA […]
First Day Pesach Yom Tov Service Sunday, April 13, 10:00 am Guest Rabbi, Felicia Sol, Senior Rabbi of Manhattan's B'nai Jeshurun, will give the sermon To join us online, please visit our livestream page Kiddush following services is generously sponsored by Isidore and Marcelle Philosophe in Memory of Raphael Philosophe and Marie (Miriam) Philosophe z”l […]
Good Books: What Cynthia is Reading, with Cynthia Good Tuesdays, 10:30 am via Zoom Cynthia Good has been a leader in the publishing industry for many years. Join her every second week to hear about the latest great novels she’s discovering, the development of contemporary genres, and old favourites. There’s time at the end for […]
Dorot Games Tuesdays, 12:30 pm Schwartz/Reisman Atrium Dorot programming is generously sponsored by Carole and Jay Sterling and Family We invite everyone to come to play your favourite games: Chess, Mahjong, Canasta, Rummycube, Dominos, Scrabble and social bridge.
After October 7th, many argued that the dream of shared society between Israelis and Palestinians was over. Dina Kraft, author and Opinion Editor for Haaretz-English, joins us to discuss the tireless efforts that she, and her neighbors, are continuing to put in towards building an Israel that is inclusive of both peoples.
Little Blossoms with Marky Weinstock 3 times available: 10:00 am, 11:00 am, and 12:00 pm 9 Weeks: March 21, 28 April 4, 25 May 2, 9, 23, 30, and June 6 0 – 5 years of age Register here! Join us on Friday mornings for Shabbat music, stories, and more. Dr. Marky (MD, […]
Seventh Day Pesach Yom Tov and Yizkor (Memorial) Service Saturday, April 19, 10:00 am To join us online, please visit our livestream page Kiddush following services is generously sponsored by Isidore and Marcelle Philosophe in Memory of Raphael Philosophe and Marie (Miriam) Philosophe z”l
Tefillah 101: An Introduction to Prayer and Spiritual Practice Everything You’ve Wanted to Ask About Jewish Prayer—But Never Did! Ever wondered why we bow at certain moments? What the Torah service really means? Or how Reform Judaism has shaped prayer? If you’ve had questions about Jewish prayer services but never felt able to ask, this […]
Film Talks: What I’m watching and why…. Monthly, Tuesdays, 10:30 am via Zoom We’re living in a Golden Age of television, film, and webisodes on the internet, and film professor Gillian Helfield is our intrepid guide through all of it – some speculative, some realistic and some purely escapist! Join her for a 20-minute check-in […]
Dorot Presents: A Moroccan Mimouna Experience Tuesday, April 22, 11:00 am A special event for our Wisdom Generation celebrating a Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) Pesach tradition known as Mimouna with our Morocco travellers. The participants in the Morocco group (November 2024) will delight you with their travel tales and introduce you to […]
Dorot Games Tuesdays, 12:30 pm Schwartz/Reisman Atrium Dorot programming is generously sponsored by Carole and Jay Sterling and Family We invite everyone to come to play your favourite games: Chess, Mahjong, Canasta, Rummycube, Dominos, Scrabble and social bridge.
Little Blossoms with Marky Weinstock 3 times available: 10:00 am, 11:00 am, and 12:00 pm 9 Weeks: March 21, 28 April 4, 25 May 2, 9, 23, 30, and June 6 0 – 5 years of age Register here! Join us on Friday mornings for Shabbat music, stories, and more. Dr. Marky (MD, […]
Tot Shabbat Monthly, Fridays, 5:30 pm Shabbat Shalom – HEY! Get on board the Shabbat Train for an upbeat and meaningful Kabbalat Shabbat service for our littlest blossoms and their families. Make some joyful noise with Dr. Marky Weinstock and Rabbi Samuel Kaye! This program is generously sponsored by Ben Hertzman and Danna Goldlist […]
Holy Blossom Goes to the ROM Auschwitz: "Not Long Ago, Not Far Away" Sunday, April 27, 1:00 pm On the heels of Yom HaShoah, Holy Blossom Temple will make a congregational visit to this unprecedented exhibition that examines the history and legacy of Auschwitz. This powerful exhibit, which arrived in Toronto just ahead of […]
Tefillah 101: An Introduction to Prayer and Spiritual Practice Everything You’ve Wanted to Ask About Jewish Prayer—But Never Did! Ever wondered why we bow at certain moments? What the Torah service really means? Or how Reform Judaism has shaped prayer? If you’ve had questions about Jewish prayer services but never felt able to ask, this […]
Rosh Chodesh Iyar Tuesday, April 29, 7:30 am Rosh Chodesh, meaning head of the month, is a holiday celebrating the arrival of a new moon. It is often celebrated by women as a day off from work. All genders are welcome to join Women of Holy Blossom and pray in solidarity with Israel’s Women […]
Good Books: What Cynthia is Reading, with Cynthia Good Tuesdays, 10:30 am via Zoom Cynthia Good has been a leader in the publishing industry for many years. Join her every second week to hear about the latest great novels she’s discovering, the development of contemporary genres, and old favourites. There’s time at the end for […]
Dorot Games Tuesdays, 12:30 pm Schwartz/Reisman Atrium Dorot programming is generously sponsored by Carole and Jay Sterling and Family We invite everyone to come to play your favourite games: Chess, Mahjong, Canasta, Rummycube, Dominos, Scrabble and social bridge.
Little Blossoms with Marky Weinstock 3 times available: 10:00 am, 11:00 am, and 12:00 pm 9 Weeks: March 21, 28 April 4, 25 May 2, 9, 23, 30, and June 6 0 – 5 years of age Register here! Join us on Friday mornings for Shabbat music, stories, and more. Dr. Marky (MD, […]
Family Shabbat Monthly, Saturday mornings, 10:30 am Shabbat is for families at Holy Blossom! Join us on Saturday mornings for a lively and interactive Family Shabbat, where you can come just as you are for some #JewishJoy. Together, with our rabbis and songleaders, we’ll celebrate with joyful music, engaging stories, fun games, and obligatory […]