HBTogether: Conversational Hebrew Speakers

HBTogether: Conversational Hebrew Speakers Mondays, beginning May 10, 2021, 7:30 - 8:30 pm, continuing weekly   Are you interested in joining a conversational Hebrew group? We are starting one and anyone with a basic level of conversational Hebrew is invited. The goal is for improvement in fluency, and to work on vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and […]

HBTogether: Travel Stories

Join Val and Arieh Waldman to share travel stories, both theirs and yours.  Val and Arieh have travelled together around the world twice; each time for one year.  Both times were with backpacks and minimal itineraries.  The first trip was 1982 (in their 30s) and the second was 2006 (guess their ages).  In between they […]

Tisha B’Av Service

Tisha B'Av Service Sunday, July 18, 9:00 am   Gather virtually with Cantor Rosen and Rabbi Goodman as we join together in prayer and reflection on this fast day filled with loss and sorrow.   Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/93902401402?pwd=dGlOR2dEcGs1RVc0OVFwdkFtOVo5UT09 Meeting ID: 939 0240 1402 Passcode: 667580   The Book of Lamentations asks: How?! How is […]

Anti-Semitism Anti-Racism Anti-Zionism: A conversation about the current moment

Sunday, July 18 at 3:00pm A collaboration between the leadership of Holy Blossom Temple's Anti-Racism Group, Interfaith Committee and Israel Committee. https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwscO-vrTopGtwtP_Ie2SV8uu2M6cwRQx5S Moderated by Rabbi Lea Mühlstein, Chair of ARZENU, Co-Senior Rabbi, The Ark Synagogue, London In Conversation With Emily Albert and Dr. Karen Mock The recent conflicts within Israel and between Israel and Gaza have […]

HBTogether: Conversational Hebrew Speakers

HBTogether: Conversational Hebrew Speakers Mondays, beginning May 10, 2021, 7:30 - 8:30 pm, continuing weekly   Are you interested in joining a conversational Hebrew group? We are starting one and anyone with a basic level of conversational Hebrew is invited. The goal is for improvement in fluency, and to work on vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and […]

HBTogether: Travel Stories

Join Val and Arieh Waldman to share travel stories, both theirs and yours.  Val and Arieh have travelled together around the world twice; each time for one year.  Both times were with backpacks and minimal itineraries.  The first trip was 1982 (in their 30s) and the second was 2006 (guess their ages).  In between they […]

Contemporary Israel Speaker Series: Israel Over Lunch

Contemporary Israel Speaker Series: Israel Over Lunch July 26, 12:00-1:00 pm   Join the Holy Blossom Israel Engagement Committee for a summer speaker series about contemporary Israel. Whether we are speaking about science, geo-politics, history or human rights, come for one or come for all at these casual lunchtime gatherings   Register here: https://congregationconnect.tfaforms.net/f/HBTCISS_IOL   […]

HBTogether: Family caregivers of people with dementia support group

Family caregivers of people with dementia support group Wednesdays, every other week, 1:30-3:00 pm Register here! https://zoom.us/j/92748909344?pwd=aUxBdkJUYjkxL2syVUY5MVQ2UUJxdz09 Meeting ID: 927 4890 9344 Passcode: 236608 This is a peer support/discussion group for family members who are caregivers for loved ones living with dementia and memory loss, led by Sandy Atlin. This an HBTogether Group, which is […]

HBTogether: Travel Stories

Join Val and Arieh Waldman to share travel stories, both theirs and yours.  Val and Arieh have travelled together around the world twice; each time for one year.  Both times were with backpacks and minimal itineraries.  The first trip was 1982 (in their 30s) and the second was 2006 (guess their ages).  In between they […]

Daily Shacharit Service

Our Shacharit Service is held daily at 7:30 am (9:00 am on Sundays and statutory holidays)   With grateful hearts, while maintaining our daily services on Zoom, we also welcome you back beginning August 3, to in-person Shacharit services in the Mishkan from Monday to Friday each morning (7:30 am). Register for in-person Shacharit services here: https://slotted.co/hbtdailyservices Mincha and […]

HBTogether Group for Suicide Loss Survivors

HBTogether Group for Suicide Loss Survivors 6:30-7:30 pm August meeting is on Wednesday!   This group is for anyone who has lost someone to suicide. This is a peer support space co-led by suicide loss survivors Lise Sklar and Abigail Carpenter-Winch. It is a safe place to share memories, stories and experiences with others who […]

HBTogether: Travel Stories

Join Val and Arieh Waldman to share travel stories, both theirs and yours.  Val and Arieh have travelled together around the world twice; each time for one year.  Both times were with backpacks and minimal itineraries.  The first trip was 1982 (in their 30s) and the second was 2006 (guess their ages).  In between they […]

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