Elul Private Shehecheyanu

Elul Private Shehecheyanu Monday through Friday, each week until Erev Rosh Hashanah (Friday, September 15), 9 am - 4 pm   As we eagerly anticipate Rosh Hashanah 5784, we are pleased to offer the chance for a few brief moments of quiet reflection before the coming High Holy Days. This is an opportunity to visit […]

HBTogether Group for Suicide Loss Survivors

HBTogether Group for Suicide Loss Survivors 1st Thursday of the month, 6:30-8:00 pm   This group is for anyone who has lost someone to suicide. This is a peer support space co-led by suicide loss survivors Lise Sklar and Abigail Nemzer. It is a safe place to share memories, stories and experiences with others who […]

Elul Private Shehecheyanu

Elul Private Shehecheyanu Monday through Friday, each week until Erev Rosh Hashanah (Friday, September 15), 9 am - 4 pm   As we eagerly anticipate Rosh Hashanah 5784, we are pleased to offer the chance for a few brief moments of quiet reflection before the coming High Holy Days. This is an opportunity to visit […]

Family Shabbat Morning Services

Family Shabbat Morning Services Monthly, Saturdays, 10:30 am   Family Services are a perfect way for the whole family to spend a Saturday morning in an interactive but relaxed environment, reminiscent of camp. Led by Rabbi McCarroll and Head Songleader Avishai Sol, come join in the fun of music, stories, games, friendship, snacks, and more. […]

Selichot 5784

Study, Havdalah, and Service

Vine Awards for Canadian Jewish Literature: 2023 Shortlisted Author Panels

Vine Awards for Canadian Jewish Literature: 2023 Shortlisted Author Panels Presented by: The Schwartz/Reisman Centre for Adult Jewish Learning and the Koffler Centre of the Arts Sunday, September 10, 11:30 am   The Koffler Centre for the Arts and Holy Blossom Temple are pleased to present a selection of the 2023 shortlisted authors in two […]

Kever Avot 5784

First Ceremony, Holy Blossom Memorial Park, Brimley Rd

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