Postponed CJPAC Election Resources Workshop

Join the Holy Blossom Temple Advocacy Committee and CJPAC to review non-partisan election tools, training, and connections to maximize your political impact.

Event Series Dorot Games

Dorot Games

Dorot Games Tuesdays, 12:30 pm Schwartz/Reisman Atrium Dorot programming is generously sponsored by Carole and Jay Sterling and Family We invite everyone to come to play your favourite games: Chess, Mahjong, Canasta, Rummycube, Dominos, Scrabble and social bridge.

Event Series Bereavement Discussion Group

Holy Blossom Bereavement Discussion Group Special Session: Grief, Loss, and Pesach

Holy Blossom Bereavement Discussion Group Special Session: Grief, Loss, and Pesach Immediately following our 6:00 pm evening service (via Zoom here), Jack Kugelmass, MSW, will provide a supportive environment to find new insight into the meaning of their losses. In this special edition of our regular Holy Blossom Bereavement Discussion Group, please join facilitator Jack […]

Dorot Goes to the Aga Khan Museum!

Dorot Goes to the Aga Khan Museum! Wednesday, March 19, 10:45 am   Join us for a very special outing to the Aga Khan Museum, where we will be taken on a personalized 1 hour guided tour throughout the museum, which includes access to unique exhibitions in celebration of their 10th anniversary! These special installations […]

Beit Midrash: Learning Inspired by the Shalom Hartman Institute

Beit Midrash: Learning Inspired by the Shalom Hartman Institute Wednesdays, 7:00 pm   Continuing this winter, join Rabbi Kaye in the Beit Midrash! We gather most Wednesday evenings for a journey through Jewish wisdom, text, and history. A Beit Midrash, the house of study, is a playground for growing Jewish minds at every level. It […]

Community Dinner: Out of the Cold

Community Dinner: Out of the Cold Thursdays, 5:30 pm For more than two decades, Holy Blossom Temple has generously opened its doors to the Out of the Cold Program (OOTC) during five winter months while providing nutritious meals and shelter to thousands of adults who are homeless, isolated, or facing food insecurity. Volunteers prepare warm […]

Wine & Cheese Reception to Welcome New and Returning Members

Wine & Cheese Reception to Welcome New and Returning Members Friday, March 21, 5:00 pm   New Holy Blossom members and all who would like to welcome them are invited for a wine & cheese reception before Kabbalat Shabbat services on Friday March 21st starting at 5:00 PM, followed by Kabbalat Shabat services in the […]

The Elaine and Marvin Givertz Annual Lecture Series welcomes Dr. Masua Sagiv

The Elaine and Marvin Givertz Annual Lecture Series welcomes Dr. Masua Sagiv Scholar in Residence, Shabbat Vayakhel   Friday, March 21, 6:00 pm Wisdom of the Heart Dr. Sagiv will give the Kabbalat Shabbat Drash Kabbalat Shabbat Musicians are generously sponsored by Michael & Anita Greenstein Saturday, March 22, 9:00 am “Vayakhel”: Belonging to a […]

The Elaine and Marvin Givertz Annual Lecture Series welcomes Dr. Masua Sagiv

The Elaine and Marvin Givertz Annual Lecture Series welcomes Dr. Masua Sagiv Scholar in Residence, Shabbat Vayakhel   Friday, March 21, 6:00 pm Wisdom of the Heart Dr. Sagiv will give the Kabbalat Shabbat Drash Kabbalat Shabbat Musicians are generously sponsored by Michael & Anita Greenstein Saturday, March 22, 9:00 am “Vayakhel”: Belonging to a […]

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