1950 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON, M5P 3K9
(416) 789-3291
[email protected]
Emergency Funeral Contact
Cell: 416-565-7561
Worship with our community in person at Temple or online. Click find out more for the links.
Our Shacharit Service is held daily at 7:30 am (9:00 am on Sundays and statutory holidays)
Our Shacharit Service is held daily at 7:30 am (9:00 am on Sundays and statutory holidays)
Monday through Thursday at 6:00 pm both in person and online!
Our Shacharit Service is held daily at 7:30 am (9:00 am on Sundays and statutory holidays)
Good Books: What Cynthia is Reading, with Cynthia Good Tuesdays, 10:30 am via Zoom Cynthia Good has been a leader in the publishing industry for many years. Join her every […]
Dorot Games in the Atrium Tuesdays, 12:30 - 3:30 pm Come join us in the Schwartz/Reisman Atrium for DOROT games! We invite everyone to come to play your favourite […]
Monday through Thursday at 6:00 pm both in person and online!
Immediately following our 6:00 pm evening service (via Zoom), Jack Kugelmass, MSW, will provide a supportive environment to find new insight into the meaning of their losses.
Our Shacharit Service is held daily at 7:30 am (9:00 am on Sundays and statutory holidays)
Crisis and Continuity with Mark Goodman Weekly, Wendesdays, 11:00 am Each week, we will discuss an aspect of Jewish history, examine relevant texts, and seek to understand the event's […]
Connecting With Our Resilience During Traumatic Times with Dr. Nate Charach Wednesdays, starting January 8, 1:00 pm and Sundays, starting January 12, 9:45 am For many of us at […]