Daily Shacharit Service

Our Shacharit Service is held daily at 7:30 am (9:00 am on Sundays and statutory holidays)

HaTzipporim (Empty Nesters) Presents: A Trip to the Toronto Holocaust Museum

HaTzipporim (Empty Nesters) Presents: A Trip to the Toronto Holocaust Museum Sunday, April 28, 10:30 am   As Passover comes to a close and our nests get smaller once again, join other Empty Nesters as we pay a visit to the Toronto Holocaust Museum. The Museum is set up to be self-guided and takes about […]

Erev Seventh Day Pesach Service

Erev Seventh Day Pesach Service April 28, 6:00 pm   To join us in sacred worship online click here: https://zoom.us/j/96751003961?pwd=THNVdHdxTG4zVk02eFRiemxQSG92dz09 Password: 193785

7th Day Pesach Service & Yizkor

7th Day Pesach Service & Yizkor April 29, 10:00 am   To join us online, please visit Holy Blossom Temple’s Livestream Page. Congregational Kiddush Lunch is generously sponsored by Isidore and Marcelle Philosophe in Memory of Raphael Philosophe and Marie (Miriam) Philosophe z''l.

Chaggim Holy-Day Fun Breakout Rooms! (for 0-12 year olds)

Chaggim Holy Day Fun Breakout Rooms! (for 0-12 year olds) Holy Day Yom Tov Services, 10:45 am First Day Sukkot: September 30, 2023 Shemini Atzeret: October 7, 2023 Pesach Day 1: April 23, 2024 Pesach Day 7: April 29, 2024 Shavuot Yom Tov: June 12, 2024 Yom Tov services themselves begin at 10:00 am, the […]

L’Chaim: Updates on Israel

Temple members and friends are invited to join an Israel information update & social support forum, over Zoom.

Daily Shacharit Service

Our Shacharit Service is held daily at 7:30 am (9:00 am on Sundays and statutory holidays)

L’Chaim: Updates on Israel

Temple members and friends are invited to join an Israel information update & social support forum, over Zoom.

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