Holy Blossom Temple presents: The Rabbi W. Gunther Plaut Humanitarian Award to Colonel Chris Hadfield

Holy Blossom Temple presents: The Rabbi W. Gunther Plaut Humanitarian Award to Colonel Chris Hadfield   You must register to attend this session, please register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_F5LzNG4YQ6awp7Y71WPrQA The Rabbi W. Gunther Plaut Humanitarian Award is presented to great Canadians who have committed themselves to protecting humanity from the callousness of ignorance, injustice, and inequity.  Previous recipients include Dr. J. […]

Revisiting the Sources: Writings on Civil Rights from Heschel to Martin Luther King Jr.

Revisiting the Sources: Writings on Civil Rights from Heschel to Martin Luther King Jr. with Tema Smith   Through an exploration of Civil Rights texts and the biblical sources that inspired a movement.   Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89225987346?pwd=VTQzS2txRHEzQlUxM3RySEF3Nys1UT09   Meeting ID: 892 2598 7346 Passcode: 576864 One tap mobile +12042727920,,89225987346#,,,,*576864# Canada +14388097799,,89225987346#,,,,*576864# Canada Dial by […]

Virtual Atrium: Second Day of Rosh HaShanah

Virtual Atrium: Second Day of Rosh HaShanah Wednesday, September 8, 12:30 pm   Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/96597744427?pwd=YnJGUWdmNHZNZmRkUHVRVDRVd1crQT09   Meeting ID: 965 9774 4427 Passcode: 590910 One tap mobile +17789072071,,96597744427#,,,,*590910# Canada +12042727920,,96597744427#,,,,*590910# Canada   Dial by your location +1 778 907 2071 Canada +1 204 272 7920 Canada +1 438 809 7799 Canada +1 587 328 […]

Second Day Rosh HaShanah

Second Day Rosh HaShanah Wednesday, September 8, 10:00 am   Please return to holyblossom.org/hhd to join our main sanctuary services. HBT non-members: to join us for Second Day Rosh HaShanah Services, please join us on our Livestream page or on our Facebook page!

Second Day of Rosh HaShanah: Family Service

Second Day of Rosh HaShanah: Family Service Wednesday, September 8, 11:15 am Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84703723137?pwd=TWoxNWFCZXo1SGxIdmYwUjRYU1lQUT09   Meeting ID: 847 0372 3137 Passcode: 672118

Second Day of Rosh HaShanah: Family Service

Second Day of Rosh HaShanah: Family Service Wednesday, September 8, 11:15 am HBT Members: for the zoom link to this service please go to holyblossom.org/hhd/

Virtual Atrium: Second Day of Rosh HaShanah

Virtual Atrium: Second Day of Rosh HaShanah Wednesday, September 8, 12:30 pm HBT Members: for the zoom link to this service please go to holyblossom.org/hhd/


Tashlich Second Day Rosh HaShanah at 3:00 pm - 73 Thorncliffe Drive. Seaton Park. (Eglinton and Leslie) As an element of purification, water represents the opportunity to cleanse the body and soul and take a new course in our lives. Join the Holy Blossom community at Seaton Park to symbolically "cast off" the sins of […]

HBTogether: Travel Stories

Join Val and Arieh Waldman to share travel stories, both theirs and yours.  Val and Arieh have travelled together around the world twice; each time for one year.  Both times were with backpacks and minimal itineraries.  The first trip was 1982 (in their 30s) and the second was 2006 (guess their ages).  In between they […]

Shabbat Morning Torah Study with Rabbi Don Splansky

Holy Blossom Temple Welcomes Rabbi Don Splansky Shabbat Morning Torah Study "Who is Rich?" Shabbat Shuvah, 5782 September 11, 2021, 9:00 am   Join us here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81097417710?pwd=d2xaQ0JIcncwM284TzVubDYwTzJwdz09 Password:  305143   Rabbi Don Splansky, PhD is the Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Beth Am in Framingham, Massachusetts.  

Kever Avot

Kever Avot: services of reflection, renewal, and remembrance September 5 & 12, 12:00 pm   September 5: Pardes Shalom - HBT section ( 10953 Dufferin St, Maple, ON L6A 1S2) September 12: Holy Blossom Memorial Park (66 Brimley Rd, Scarborough, ON M1M 3H7)   Kever Avot is the custom of visiting the graves of our […]

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