A Thank You: The Syrian Bride and Eritrean Refugee Relief

A Thank You: The Syrian Bride and Eritrean Refugee Relief September 22, 7:00 pm   A few dedicated people can make a real difference amongst the struggles of the world. Come gather online and in-person to meet the virtual village that helped to bring Ruta and Michal, two Hebrew speaking Eritrean refugees, from Israel to […]

HBTogether: Travel Stories

Join Val and Arieh Waldman to share travel stories, both theirs and yours.  Val and Arieh have travelled together around the world twice; each time for one year.  Both times were with backpacks and minimal itineraries.  The first trip was 1982 (in their 30s) and the second was 2006 (guess their ages).  In between they […]

HBTogether Walking Club

HBTogether Walking Club Every Tuesday and Friday from 8:30-9:30 am   Click here to register! It's time to come together and enjoy the outdoors. Calling all walkers to join us rain or shine from 8:30-9:30 am every Tuesday and Friday as we depart the Holy Blossom parking lot for a 50-minute walk at your own […]

Remembering, Honouring, Learning: An Indigenous and Jewish Memorial

Remembering, Honouring, Learning: An Indigenous and Jewish Memorial HBT's Interfaith Committee and Anishnawbe Health Foundation September 26, 5:30 pm   Please join us for a memorial to the Indigenous children of the residential school system. Rabbi Splansky and Cantor Rosen, together with our invited Indigenous Elder, volunteers and staff from the Anishnawbe Health Foundation, will […]

Erev Shemini Atzeret

Erev Shemini Atzeret Monday, September 27 2021, 6:00 pm Shemini Atzeret means the assembly of the 8th Day. Let’s join together in a sacred assembly for this meaningful, clergy-led service.   Click here for the service pages: https://holyblossom.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/evening-service-for-festivals-siddur-pirchei-kodesh.pdf   To join us on Zoom for Erev Shemini Atzeret, please click below! https://zoom.us/j/96751003961?pwd=THNVdHdxTG4zVk02eFRiemxQSG92dz09 Password: 193785 One […]

HBTogether Walking Club

HBTogether Walking Club Every Tuesday and Friday from 8:30-9:30 am   Click here to register! It's time to come together and enjoy the outdoors. Calling all walkers to join us rain or shine from 8:30-9:30 am every Tuesday and Friday as we depart the Holy Blossom parking lot for a 50-minute walk at your own […]

Shemini Atzeret Service

Shemini Atzeret Service Tuesday, September 28, 2021, 10:00 am Shemini Atzeret literally means the assembly of the 8th Day. Join us for Yom Tov either online or in-person for this powerful service and Yizkor. This is one of the three Yizkor Services held during the Jewish calendar year. We will remember all those who have […]

Simchat Torah

Simchat Torah Tuesday, September 28, 2021, 6:45 pm Coming at the conclusion of Sukkot, Simchat Torah is the moment in which we begin to read the Torah again from Bereshit. We will celebrate with our many Torah Scrolls as we take them out of the ark and spend the evening dancing, singing and rejoicing outdoors […]

HBTogether: Travel Stories

Join Val and Arieh Waldman to share travel stories, both theirs and yours.  Val and Arieh have travelled together around the world twice; each time for one year.  Both times were with backpacks and minimal itineraries.  The first trip was 1982 (in their 30s) and the second was 2006 (guess their ages).  In between they […]

HBTogether Walking Club

HBTogether Walking Club Every Tuesday and Friday from 8:30-9:30 am   Click here to register! It's time to come together and enjoy the outdoors. Calling all walkers to join us rain or shine from 8:30-9:30 am every Tuesday and Friday as we depart the Holy Blossom parking lot for a 50-minute walk at your own […]

A Letter from the Past: Yiddish Songs

A Letter from the Past: Yiddish Songs Presented with the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to Canada October 3, 11:00 am   A Letter from the Past: Yiddish Songs performed by Lithuanian tenor Rafailas Karpis and pianist Darius Mazintas, presents important Lithuanian cultural contexts from both the musical and the microhistorical perspectives. They will […]

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