HBTogether Ukele Group

Playing in a group is a great way to improve, and we are delighted to welcome and nurture new members. Of course, anyone who likes to sing is also welcome.

HBTogether Group for Suicide Loss Survivors

HBTogether Group for Suicide Loss Survivors 6:30-7:30 pm   This group is for anyone who has lost someone to suicide. This is a peer support space co-led by suicide loss survivors Lise Sklar and Abigail Carpenter-Winch. It is a safe place to share memories, stories and experiences with others who have been there. Our meetings […]

HBTogether Ukele Group

Playing in a group is a great way to improve, and we are delighted to welcome and nurture new members. Of course, anyone who likes to sing is also welcome.

A Sacred Journey: Living Longer – Living Better

A Sacred Journey: Living Longer - Living Better April 19 – May 10, 4:30-6:00 pm Register here today! $18 for members, $36 for non-members The revolution of longevity is upon us. A variety of circumstances have changed the way we see ourselves as we enter life’s different stages. How does our faith tradition meet some […]

HBTogether: Conversational Hebrew Speakers

HBTogether: Conversational Hebrew Speakers Mondays, beginning May 10, 2021, 7:30 - 8:30 pm   Are you interested in joining a conversational Hebrew group? We are starting one and anyone with a basic level of conversational Hebrew is invited. The goal is for improvement in fluency, and to work on vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and to look […]

HBTogether Ukele Group

Playing in a group is a great way to improve, and we are delighted to welcome and nurture new members. Of course, anyone who likes to sing is also welcome.

Family and Tot Shabbat Livestream

Join Rabbi Jordan Helfman and a musical guest as we gather with our families for an intimate ‘from the living room’ moment to welcome Shabbat as a community!

Family Shabbat Morning Service

Family Shabbat Morning Service Saturday, May 15, 2021, 10:30 am Join Rabbi Jordan Helfman as we gather with our families for a family-friendly service that brings us together for delightful prayer and song.   Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/92278937206?pwd=Q0VVQTBDYkd3ZkxIeWhpL296MDdNZz09 Meeting ID: 922 7893 7206 Passcode: 116717 One tap mobile +15873281099,,92278937206#,,,,*116717# Canada +16473744685,,92278937206#,,,,*116717# Canada Dial by your […]

HBTogether Ukele Group

Playing in a group is a great way to improve, and we are delighted to welcome and nurture new members. Of course, anyone who likes to sing is also welcome.

Album Launch & Havdallah with Cantor David Rosen and Avishai Sol

Album Launch & Havdallah with Cantor David Rosen and Avishai Sol Saturday, May 15, 2021, 8:30 pm   Close Shabbat with joy and song with Cantor David Rosen and Avishai Sol as they celebrate the virtual release of Avishai's Album!   Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85600829289 Meeting ID: 856 0082 9289 Passcode: 359309   One tap […]

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