Kabbalat Shabbat Service

Kabbalat Shabbat Service Worship with our community in person at Temple or online. Shabbat is the perfect time to gather –whether in person or online. Let’s make the most of our ability to see each other as we unite in Oneg – Joy, Kedushah – Elevating the Day, and Menucha – Refreshing Rest. Kabbalat Shabbat […]

Shabbat Morning Torah Study

Together we’ll study the weekly Torah portion, and its corresponding commentaries, both ancient and modern and discover their eternal relevance. Experienced students are valued for their accumulation of knowledge, and newcomers for their fresh insight.

Rabbi John Moscowitz Reflects on His Recent Trip to Israel

Rabbi John Moscowitz Reflects on His Recent Trip to Israel Shabbat Chol HaMoed Pesach, April 27, 2024, 10:30 am Rabbi John Moscowitz will give the sermon, reflecting on his recent trip to Israel. THE NOVA FESTIVAL SITE, IRAN and What Charles Krauthammer Knew That I Didn’t Reflections on Being in Israel in Tense Times The […]

Shabbat Morning Service

Worship with our community in person at Temple or online. Click find out more for the links.

Israeli Dancing with Paula Warren

Israeli Dancing with Paula Warren Monthly, Saturdays, 1:00 pm Did you know that the first Israeli folk dance, Hora Aggadati, was created in 1924? Paula Warren did. Paula is Holy Blossom’s expert in Israeli dance. She began dancing in Israel during childhood and went on to teach folk dance at Camps Biluim and Shalom. Paula […]

Daily Shacharit Service

Our Shacharit Service is held daily at 7:30 am (9:00 am on Sundays and statutory holidays)

HaTzipporim (Empty Nesters) Presents: A Trip to the Toronto Holocaust Museum

HaTzipporim (Empty Nesters) Presents: A Trip to the Toronto Holocaust Museum Sunday, April 28, 10:30 am   As Passover comes to a close and our nests get smaller once again, join other Empty Nesters as we pay a visit to the Toronto Holocaust Museum. The Museum is set up to be self-guided and takes about […]

Erev Seventh Day Pesach Service

Erev Seventh Day Pesach Service April 28, 6:00 pm   To join us in sacred worship online click here: https://zoom.us/j/96751003961?pwd=THNVdHdxTG4zVk02eFRiemxQSG92dz09 Password: 193785

7th Day Pesach Service & Yizkor

7th Day Pesach Service & Yizkor April 29, 10:00 am   To join us online, please visit Holy Blossom Temple’s Livestream Page. Congregational Kiddush Lunch is generously sponsored by Isidore and Marcelle Philosophe in Memory of Raphael Philosophe and Marie (Miriam) Philosophe z''l.

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