HaTzipporim (Empty Nesters) End-of-Year Havdallah Celebration!

HaTzipporim (Empty Nesters) Havdallah: Wine & Cheese and Sweet Treats Saturday, June 8, 7:30 pm   Come and join your fellow HaTzipporim (Empty Nesters) as we celebrate the end of a successful first year of fun and memories together. Let's enjoy each other’s good company, with "A Wine, Cheese and Sweet Treat Havdallah Event". This […]

Daily Shacharit Service

Our Shacharit Service is held daily at 7:30 am (9:00 am on Sundays and statutory holidays)

UJA Walk with Israel

UJA Walk with Israel Sunday, June 9, 9:00 am Whether you Walk every year or have never Walked before, you need to be there. This year, we Walk for those we’ve lost. For those held hostage. For those who are in pain. And we Walk to help our Israeli family on the long road to […]

Daily Shacharit Service

Our Shacharit Service is held daily at 7:30 am (9:00 am on Sundays and statutory holidays)

L’Chaim: Updates on Israel

Temple members and friends are invited to join an Israel information update & social support forum, over Zoom.

Daily Shacharit Service

Our Shacharit Service is held daily at 7:30 am (9:00 am on Sundays and statutory holidays)

L’Chaim: Updates on Israel

Temple members and friends are invited to join an Israel information update & social support forum, over Zoom.

Erev Shavuot 

Erev Shavuot Congregational Dinner, Service, & Celebration of our 5784 Confirmands Tuesday, June 11, 6:00 pm   Join the congregation in celebrating Shavuot and our Confirmation class and families as they mark their Confirmation, at this festive Dairy meal. 5:15 pm Ceremony for Confirmation Students and their families (for Confirmands and their families only) 6:00 […]

MNJCC Tikkun Leil Shavuot

MNJCC Tikkun Leil Shavuot Tuesday, June 11, 6:30 pm until Wednesday, June 12, 9:00 am The downtown Jewish community’s renowned Tikkun Leil Shavuot: All Night Jewish Learning Festival is back for its 16th year! Tikkun Leil Shavuot is an incredibly generous outpouring of love, ruach (spirit), and wisdom from many, many teachers in our community. There’s something […]

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