HBTogether Book Club

HBTogether Book Club Wednesdays, monthly, 11:00 am We read a different book each week; newcomers are always welcome even if you haven't read the book! For further information please contact Caroline Ingvaldsen at [email protected].   Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/91217786331?pwd=NDJzMjJQeG5XVmdHNWdWZmZWSHZqdz09 Meeting ID: 912 1778 6331 Passcode: 387576     Here's the HBTogether Book Club list, all […]

Coping with the new rules for Covid – Will you be coming to Seder?

The panel will include (highly sought after) Dr. Andrew Morris from Sinai Health and author of “Emails from your friendly neighbourhood infectious diseases specialist”, geriatric social worker Zoe Levitt, and psychologist (and HBT congregant) Alan Bardikoff. Join us online for this “fireside chat/panel discussion” webinar!

Little Blossoms!

Join us in-person and online to welcome Shabbat with music, movement, and more! Click find out more to register!

Little Blossoms!

Join us in-person and online to welcome Shabbat with music, movement, and more! Click find out more to register!

Little Blossoms!

Join us in-person and online to welcome Shabbat with music, movement, and more! Click find out more to register!

Shabbat Morning Torah Study with Rabbi Eric Yoffie

To honour Shabbat HaGadol, Rabbi Eric Yoffie, the former President of the Union for Reform Judaism and a leading commentator on today's Jewish world and Israel, will come (online) to teach us. Bring your curiosity and your good questions.

Holy Blossom Temple welcomes Rabbi Eric Yoffie

Embracing Israel in Difficult Times: Politics, Pluralism, and Peace: Rabbi Yoffie will join our Shabbat Morning service via Zoom. To join us online or in-person click find out more.

Family Service

Join us in person or over zoom as we delight in the music and song of David Gershon, the beauty of our Shabbat blessings and prayers, the remarkably enduring lessons of Torah and the joyous celebration of our Temple community among our young…and younger!

Shrinking the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Practical & Ethical Dilemmas

Shrinking the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Practical & Ethical Dilemmas April 10, 12:00 pm ET Hear from Hartman fellow and best-selling author Micah Goodman, the thought leader behind the idea of shrinking the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that is currently influencing Israeli policy, about what this concept really means, how the premise has moved from idea to practice, and the […]

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