Kol Nidre: Teen Service

Kol Nidre: Teen Service Wednesday, September 15, 6:00 pm HBT Members: for the zoom link to this service please go to holyblossom.org/hhd/

Kol Nidre First Service

Kol Nidre First Service Wednesday, September 15, 6:00 pm   Please return to holyblossom.org/hhd to join our main sanctuary services.

Kol Nidre: Family Service

Kol Nidre: Family Service Wednesday, September 15, 7:00 pm HBT Members: for the zoom link to this service please go to holyblossom.org/hhd/

Kol Nidre: Young Adult (YAD) Service

Kol Nidre: Young Adult (YAD) Service Wednesday, September 15, 8:30 pm (online only) HBT Members: for the zoom link to this service please go to holyblossom.org/hhd/

Kol Nidre Second Service

Kol Nidre Second Service Wednesday, September 15, 8:30 pm   Please return to holyblossom.org/hhd to join our main sanctuary services.  

Yom Kippur Morning Service

Yom Kippur Morning Service Thursday, September 16, 10:00 am   Please return to holyblossom.org/hhd to join our main sanctuary services.

Yom Kippur Morning: Family Service

Yom Kippur Morning: Family Service Thursday, September 16, 11:15 am HBT Members: for the zoom link to this service please go to holyblossom.org/hhd/

Yom Kippur Morning: Second Family Service

Yom Kippur Morning: Second Family Service Thursday, September 16, 11:15 am HBT Members: for the zoom link to this service please go to holyblossom.org/hhd/

Yom Kippur Study Session: When to Apologize? When to Forgive? Why it Might Matter

When to Apologize? When to Forgive? Why it Might Matter with Jack Kugelmass Most of us have been confronted with a dilemma that approximates the following scenarios: You had an interaction with someone; you sensed by their reaction to you that they felt hurt by your words; yet you had no intention of causing any […]

Yom Kippur Study Session: Secrets and Sources of Holy Blossom’s Stained-Glass Windows (Part 2)

Secrets and Sources of Holy Blossom’s Stained-Glass Windows (Part 2) with Holy Blossom’s Archives Committee Join Holy Blossom’s Archives Committee members for a follow-up session on the synagogue’s historic stained-glass windows. Last Shavuot, our presentation focused on the window’s narratives and the people who inspired them. This time, the committee will take you on a […]

Yom Kippur Study Session: What a Brilliant Irish Catholic Teaches about the Discontents of the Jews: Reflections on John Murray Cuddihy and “The Ordeal of Civility”

What a Brilliant Irish Catholic Teaches about the Discontents of the Jews: Reflections on John Murray Cuddihy and “The Ordeal of Civility” with Rabbi John Moscowitz How exactly did most of our grandparents or great grandparents lurch from a Yiddish speaking (and thinking!) tribal, East European culture to a mannered Protestant one in but a […]

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