Connecting With Our Resilience During Traumatic Times
with Dr. Nate Charach
Wednesdays, 1:00 pm and Sundays, 9:45 am
For many of us at Holy Blossom Temple, the last year has brought up a multitude of difficult emotions including despair, grief, hopelessness, isolation, rage and many other normal human emotions.
How can we respond to these emotions in a way that feels safe and can also lead to healing?
During this time of crisis, Dr. Nate Charach is running groups that aim to use this moment in history to help turn our society from its current path to one that values life and Tikun Olam.
The groups nurture resilience through a combination of Joanna Macy’s Work That Reconnects and Dr Charach’s deep psychotherapeutic experience. These groups start from a place of gratitude, allow us to honour our pain, let us see the world from new perspectives and encourage us to go forth into the world to foster renewal.
We will offer two workshops beginning in January 2025: Wednesday afternoons and Sunday mornings. The cost is $349 inclusive of tax. If you refer a friend, you both get $30 off. If the price is still prohibitive, please email Nate and he can work something out with you.
To register please email Nate at [email protected] with your name and which workshop you plan to attend. Please send an e-transfer with your registration payment to the same email.
Wednesday dates (from 1:00 pm-2:30 pm): Jan 22, Feb 5, 19, Mar 5, 19
Sunday dates (from 9:45 am – 11:15 am): 26, Feb 9, 23, Mar 9, 23