Many Ways To Tell A Story: Journeying Through The Passover Haggadot with Rabbi Bill S. Tepper
April 7, 7:30 pm
Vegetarian, Sephardic, Yiddish, Feminist…
Rabbis, scholars, and students of Judaism take pleasure in collecting Passover Haggadot; there being a vast array of styles, themes, interpretations, and historical lenses through which our Exodus-From-Egypt story is told…and re-told. Since his earliest days in rabbinical school, Rabbi Bill Tepper has been collecting haggadot. Presently, more than one hundred rest proudly on the shelves of his home. In our program, Rabbi Tepper will explore the role of the haggadah in our Passover seder, as well as show and explain selections from his personal library, all the while reminding us that there are many ways to tell a story.