Let’s Talk Grandparenting!: A Class on Coexistence and Coincidence
Tuesday, November 12, 11:00 am
This special session will explore meaningful ways of sharing our cherished Jewish traditions, especially with the Channukah and Christmas falling on the same day, as they do this year.
We want to be able to pass along the Jewish traditions that we are proud of and find joy in, and to create these beautiful memories, whilst honouring the idea that there is no “right” or “best” way to navigate these dilemmas.
Bring your questions and your curiosities!
Educator Pamela Hamovitch, Social Worker Doreen Saskin and Rabbi McCarroll look forward to welcoming you and to building off of the success of our Holy Blossom Grandparents Project.
Register HERE!
Additionally, you would be welcome to join in the Dorot Games afterwards, held from 12:30-3pm every Tuesday in our Schwartz/Reisman Atrium.