Holy Blossom welcomes Guest Rabbi: Rabbi Dr. Geoffrey Haber
Shabbat Mishpatim, February 22, 2025
Shabbat Morning Torah Study, 9:00-10:00 am
“Israel’s Judicial Reform Controversy: Honouring the Dual Commitments of a Jewish and Democratic State”
Sermon at our 10:30 am Service
“Spirituality in the Everyday”
Rabbi Dr. Geoffrey J. Haber is a psychotherapist in private practice with BeWell Health Clinics and Jewish Chaplain at Toronto’s North York General Hospital. He is also Director of Jewish Faith Formation & Adjunct Professor in Psychotherapy for the Masters in Psychospiritual Studies at Knox College in the Toronto School of Theology at the University of Toronto.
Until his retirement in 2024, Rabbi Haber was Director of Spiritual Care at Toronto’s Baycrest Centre. He has served as a hospice chaplain, as a Lieutenant Commander in the US Navy Reserve Chaplain Corps, and as a congregational rabbi. Rabbi Haber is also the author of five books, including “Reconstructing Faith: A Spiritual and Psychological Journey for Parents of Children with Autism.”