Our Shacharit Service is held daily at 7:30 am (9:00 am on Sundays and statutory holidays)
With grateful hearts, while maintaining our daily services on Zoom, we also welcome you back beginning August 3, to in-person Shacharit services in the Mishkan from Monday to Friday each morning (7:30 am). Register for in-person Shacharit services here: https://slotted.co/hbtdailyservices
Mincha and Ma’ariv daily services (6:00 pm), Sunday Shacharit and Government Holidays (9:00 am) will remain online for the time being.
In-person attendees must be double vaccinated and registration for the limited spaces is required. Covid-19 protocols will be in place, including wearing masks, physical distancing and no food. Attendees will also need to fill in the pre-screening form prior to arrival (within two hours before).
Weekday Morning Shacharit Service:
Password: 667580
Click here to download the morning service pages