Book Talk for A Perfect Offering
March 18, 2021, 7:30-8:30 pm
What would you do if your world suddenly cracked apart?
In anticipation of Pesach, Season of our Redemption, Rabbi Splansky will set the frame from this book talk about sacred and personal narratives. A Perfect Offering: Personal Stories of Trauma and Transformation (Mosaic Press) will be the subject of a Holy Blossom Temple book discussion with three congregants, the book’s co-Editor, Suzanne Heft and two contributing writers, Eric Petersiel and Lynn Gluckman, who write about their respective experiences with a life-threatening illness and surviving a terrorist attack.
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A Perfect Offering: Personal Stories of Trauma and Transformation (Mosaic Press) will be the subject of a Holy Blossom Temple book discussion with the book’s co-Editor, Suzanne Heft and two contributing writers, Eric Petersiel and Lynn Gluckman, who write about their respective experiences with life-threatening illness and surviving a terrorist attack. All are long-standing members of the congregation who collaborated on this fascinating project. A Perfect Offering illuminates many extraordinary stories of what human beings endure – the loss of a child, surviving assault and war, the legacy of residential schools, living with chronic illness and more. Some of the contributors of the book are published authors and some are not. The idea for the book came from Suzanne Heft’s late husband Harold Heft, following his own diagnosis at age 49 of inoperable brain cancer. Harold imagined the book might offer invaluable insight on how people survive the unthinkable, and remind us, that in the darkest hour of our anguish, we are not alone, and in sharing our stories, we can often find dignity, grace and hope.
Join us on March 18th at 7:30 pm for a thoughtful discussion about a book that was described thus by Canadian filmmaker Mike Downie, brother of the late Gord Downie of the Tragically Hip and Co-Founder of the Gord Downie and Chanie Wenjack Fund: “A riveting insight into the act of survival. This book will break your heart right open, and that’s a good thing – vulnerability draws us closer.”