Baking with Bubby! Intergenerational Hamentaschen Bake
With PJ Library!
Sunday, March 2, 12:30 pm
This is a great opportunity for children to spend an afternoon of fun with their grandparents and grand-friends! We’ll start with a special PJ Library Purim book reading to get us in the holiday spirit. Then everyone will roll up their sleeves and make their own Hamentashen! Expert baker Lori Shapero Press, from Insomniac Bakery, will guide children and grandparents through the whole process – from making the dough to pinching the 3 corners for perfect, delicious Hamentaschen you’ll take home for your family!
Whether you are an expert Hamentaschen maker, or this is your first time, everyone will have a great time rolling, pinching and filling delicious Hamentaschen together for the holiday! Bring your own special filling, or choose from the ones we’ll have on hand, or do both!
Each family will also take home a Mishloach Manot gift, a PJ Library book, and more goodies!
Please bring an item to be donated to special matanot le’evyonim – special gift packages that will be made for Out of the Cold. We are collecting the following:
- new socks
- new gloves
- small shampoo/soap
- deodorant
- razors
- toothbrushes
- kleenex packages
- Tim Horton’s or Mcdonald’s gift cards
- hand/foot warmers
- small hand sanitizers