A great way to understand what is going on in Israel today – from real Israelis who know the Diaspora
March 5, 1:00 pm
Our member Mike Diamond writes…
Much has been written about the efforts of the current Government of Israel to change the balance of power between the Supreme Court and the Knesset, and many more words have been expended to share concerns about other changes being undertaken, whether related to the treatment of Palestinians, the law of return, or many other issues.
We also know that the Israeli public is aroused and that major demonstrations are going on almost daily, strikes taking place, and if anything, the situation is getting more challenging by the day.
What is the most helpful way to understand what is really going on in Israel, on the ground? Ask the Israelis. Not the politicians, or the media, or members of organizations, but real Israelis!
In Toronto, we have the benefit of a relationship with over 250 alumni of the shinshinim program… younger Israelis who both understand us and know their country well. Several of them have decided to put together a panel of shinshinim alumni, The Shevet, in order to give you a taste of what real Israelis are saying and thinking. That panel discussion is being offered this Sunday, March 5 at 1 pm EST. I would urge you to tune in, as it will provide context and offer nuances you will not likely hear elsewhere. The session will be moderated by none other than Yaron Deckal, a senior Emissary of the Jewish Agency in Canada, a former well-known and respected Israeli journalist
We, therefore, invite you to a unique opportunity to hear authentic points of view from past UJA ShinShinim – members of Shevet, today’s young and leading professionals in Israel.
You can find the details in the attached flyer. Note: Pre-registration is required. For your convenience, you can click here to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_riwNueUxTW2CWfFMmLqssQ
Please note that on the panel is Holy Blossom’s own former Shinshinit, Mai Levi! Mai was a superstar during her time with us and this looks to be an excellent program.