Baby Naming and Brit Milah
Are you expecting, whether through birth or adoption? B’sha’ah tovah, we pray that joy and mazal tovs are in the future. Holy Blossom wants to celebrate with you as we welcome your new baby into the Covenant.
One of our rabbis would love to be with you as we welcome your baby into the Covenant and our community. We can also provide you with a list of our recommended mohelim (ritual circumcisers) who are doctors and trained by the Brit Milah Program of Reform Judaism, including our member Dr. Rhonda Wilansky. A Reform-trained Mohel will lead your family in an egalitarian and modern service in partnership with Holy Blossom clergy.
All of this can be arranged by contacting Rebekah Lobosco Gilli at 416.789.3291 ext. 255 or emailing [email protected].