B’nei Mitzvah Planning at Holy Blossom Temple
To book a date or ask questions about the program, contact our B’nei Mitzvah Coordinator: Iris Spitz, 416-789-3291 ext 224
To book your Simcha Celebration or Sponsor a Congregational Kiddush contact our Simcha & Venue Manager: Rebekah Lobosco Gili, 416-789-3291 ext 255
To download a copy of this guide, click here
Booking your child’s Bar/Bat/Perach Mitzvah
Date Selection: Holy Blossom Temple members select their child’s date 3 years before their 13th birthday. If you are a new member of Holy Blossom Temple and have not selected a date, contact Iris Spitz for assistance. Please read our guide for more information.
Booking a B’nei Mitzvah Simcha Celebration
If you have your selected date you can book your Simcha Celebration with our Simcha & Venue Manager Rebekah Lobosco Gili. To view information about holding a simcha at Holy Blossom, click here for more information.
Once you have your date booked:
Location: Holy Blossom Temple
1950 Bathurst Street, Toronto, Ontario M5P 3K9
Location & Time of Service:
Shabbat Main Sanctuary Service: Main Sanctuary, Main Floor, 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
Shabbat Family Service: Youth Chapel, 3rd Floor, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Rosh Chodesh/Festival Service: Youth Chapel, 3rd Floor
Weekdays – 7:30 am – 8:30 am
Holiday Mondays & Sundays: 9:00 am – 10:00 am
For those unable to attend your simcha can view the service through our virtual streams
Main Sanctuary: https://holyblossom.org/holy-blossom-temple-livestream/
Rosh Chodesh/Weekday Festival Service: https://congregationconnect.tfaforms.net/f/HBTSHACHARIT
Family Service: We find the virtual component is disruptive. You will need to obtain special permission contact ispitz@holyblossom.org
Please let your guests know that there is accessible parking available in our Ava Road Parking lot and that limited parking is available in the Ava Road and Dewbourne Lots. Street parking is available, but at the owner’s risk.
Entry to the Building:
Please instruct your guests that regardless of where they are parked, the only entry point into the building is through the Ava Road Parking lot.
Accessibility Seating and/or Special Accommodations:
If you require accessible seating, a large print prayer book, or an audio device for a guest, please contact ispitz@holyblossom.org to coordinate and accommodate your guest.
Photography Guidelines
Photography is not permissible during any service, you may only take pictures if you have elected to have a private luncheon and only within the luncheon space. Photography sessions can be arranged before the Final Rehearsal or on an alternate day.
In the case of Livestream, a High-Definition downloadable link can be provided if you have chosen to sponsor $500 or more. In the case of Zoom, a recording can be provided if you have chosen to sponsor $360 or more
Congregational Kiddush Sponsorship
As part of celebrating your simcha and honoring your child, you have the meaningful opportunity to sponsor a Congregation Kiddush or a Breakfast for Rosh Chodesh & Festivals. This is an excellent option, especially if you choose not to host a private event, as it ensures that there will be sufficient food for your guests. For more details and to arrange your sponsorship, please contact Rebekah Lobosco Gili (as above).
Sponsor a Meaningful Moment and Honor Your Child’s Journey
Your generous sponsorship contribution offers a wonderful opportunity to honor your child and commemorate this special milestone. You can choose the level of sponsorship that aligns with your wishes and support one or all of our dedicated funds: Sanctuary Flowers, Kabbalat & Shabbat Livestream, and Music. Your sponsorship will be acknowledged during the service and highlighted in the Bulletin, allowing the community to share in your meaningful contribution.