B’nei Mitzvah
Becoming a Jewish Adult at Holy Blossom Temple
Mazal Tov! This is an exciting time for you, your family and your congregation. When a Jewish child is born, the community prays that they will be blessed with Torah, Chuppah, u’Ma’asim tovim (the study of Torah, the covenant of marriage and the performance of good deeds). B’nei Mitzvah marks the start of the transition from childhood to adulthood (age 13) when children assume responsibilities and rewards for their own religious practice and learning. On becoming B’nei Mitzvah (Bar/Bat/Perach), children can come to understand their place within our congregation and within the Jewish People.
Jewish learning is a life-long pursuit. It is Holy Blossom’s hope and expectation that each student will honour this commitment by continuing his/her studies through Confirmation (Grade 10) and beyond.
Our B’nei Mitzvah Program prepares the child and their families, well in advance, for the upcoming Simcha; to reflect on the meaning of B’nei Mitzvah; and to become acquainted with the customs and standards of Holy Blossom Temple, as developed by fellow congregants, the Board of Trustees, the Rabbis, Cantor(s) and Educators. We will work closely with you to make your Simcha meaningful.
For information about our program, or to book a Bar/Bat/Perach Mitzvah contact Iris Spitz at [email protected] or call (416)-789-3291, ext 224.
To let us know what date you are looking to reserve for your child to become a Bar/Bat/Perach Mitzvah click here!