Important Covid Update
As communicated on January 3, Holy Blossom Temple adjusted our Covid protocols considering the Omicron variant and rising numbers. Although the Government of Ontario started reopening in various ways this week, Temple leadership, as advised by the Covid cabinet and medical professionals, is taking a slower approach to reopening at this time. In large part, at this time, HBT is continuing with our general approach as in January, hence the repetitive nature of this note. Detailed protocols can be found below, which will continue for a period of time that has yet to be determined, but is being discussed by the Covid cabinet. Our Covid cabinet continues to meet regularly and we will send updates as our guidelines are adjusted. The Holy Blossom website will also be updated regularly to reflect current health and safety measures.
What to Bring at the Door (short version)
- 3 items are required for entry
- A big green checkmark (phone or paper) as a result of filling out the COVID Screening form properly
- Proof of vaccine (phone or paper)
- Identification with your birth date
- Mask that properly covers your nose, mouth, and chin is MANDATORY at all times for everyone 2 years old and up
Please note the following continuation of our protocols as of February 2022:
- Our building will remain closed to visitors from Sunday mornings to Friday afternoons. Multi-access Kabbalat Shabbat & Shabbat Morning Services will continue with Shabbat services livestreamed from the Main Sanctuary for all to enjoy AND a limited number of congregants and guests will be able to attend in-person. Please use your best judgement when considering your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Congregants are encouraged to participate from home, and yet, our doors will be open on Shabbat. Vaccinations, masks, distancing, and pre-registration will be required for anyone who chooses to attend in-person. Please visit: for pre-registration links.
- There will be no choir for Shabbat Services.
- Our congregational “Mask & Mingle in the Atrium” is on hold for the time being.
- All food services continue to be suspended into the month of February. There will be no congregational Kiddush nor private luncheons.
- Holy Blossom employees have the option to work from home, when possible. Rapid antigen testing will be provided and used as an additional screening measure.
- Proper mask wearing continues with these stipulations:
- Surgical mask with a metal nose piece that fits tightly with no gaps OR N95 (or kn95) mask
- Cloth masks are permitted to be worn only doubled up over a surgical mask to ensure the surgical mask is tightly fitted underneath
- Holy Blossom will have surgical and/or kn95 masks on site for those who need.
- Weekday & Sunday morning (Shacharit) and evening (Maariv) Services will take place online only via Zoom for both service leaders and congregants.
- Our Youth Education Centre (YEC) will continue with online classes only at present. Detailed communications will be sent to all YEC families.
Please note the continuation of these health and safety practices:
- Our Early Childhood Centre (ECC) will continue to operate with enhanced safety measures.
- Our B’nei Mitzvah families will still be able to invite up to 75 guests for Shabbat services.
- Physical distancing will continue to be monitored.
- Screening and proof of vaccination will be completed upon entry.
- Pre-registration and screening forms must be completed before attending any Shabbat service.
- Rigorous cleaning will continue throughout the building.
- We encourage all who are eligible for vaccination to do so at your earliest opportunity, including pediatric vaccines and boosters/3rd doses for adults.
Above all, for everyone’s health and safety: PLEASE STAY HOME, IF YOU ARE FEELING UNWELL (even if you test negative for Covid). Our medical professional advisors continue to stress that this is the best way for all of us to remain safe and healthy, in addition to following the masking and distancing guidelines.
Everything you need to know about updated Health & Safety Protocol at HBT
What to Bring at the Door (short version)
- 3 items are required for entry
- A big green checkmark (phone or paper) as a result of filling out the form properly
- Proof of vaccine (phone or paper)
- Identification with your birth date
- Mask that properly covers your nose, mouth, and chin is MANDATORY at all times for everyone 2 years old and up
COVID Screening Form
Link to Screening form:
- The HBT COVID screening form must be filled out on the day of your visit to Temple
- Please fill this out EACH day you are coming to Holy Blossom, ideally BEFORE you arrive
- One form is required per household – there are spots to indicate family members joining you
- If your answers to the form satisfy all the requirements, you will see a BIG GREEN CHECKMARK!
- Please be prepared to show this checkmark on your device (you can take a screenshot or show it from the page) or print a copy before you arrive
- In the case you are unable to print or show a copy, Security can check the list and/or there will be a place to sign in to verify your answers
Continue Proof of Vaccine Status
HBT staff, security, or volunteers will be checking proof of vaccine upon entry – printed or on a device are both accepted
- Download your proof of vaccine here:
- As before, if you are 12 years old or more, full vaccination is required (two doses of an approved COVID-19 vaccine plus 2 weeks after the second dose, 3rd dose/booster is highly recommended as is a vaccination for all eligible children under 12 years old)
- Note this does not apply to children under 12 years old entering the school wing
- Family programming will be kept online for the time being (i.e. Tot Shabbat)
- We look forward to a full return of multi-generational programming throughout the campus when it is safe to do so
- Please bring your vaccine receipt or passport to show at the door (passports may or may not be scanned)
- You will also be required to show a piece of ID that includes your date of birth
Proper Mask Wearing & Physical Distancing
Please note that wearing a mask properly that covers your nose, mouth, and chin is MANDATORY at all times for everyone 2 years old and up
- Surgical mask with a metal nose piece that fits tightly with no gaps
- Surgical mask, doubled up with a cloth mask over top to ensure the surgical mask is tightly fitted underneath
- N95 (or kn95) mask
Holy Blossom will have surgical and/or kn95 masks on site for those who need. For clarity, it has come to our attention since our last congregation-wide communication that double surgical masking is not recommended by public health authorities. If your surgical mask does not fit tightly and has gaps, please make sure you wear a cloth mask over top to ensure a tight fit.